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Anno Designer Help Manual

StingMcRay edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 5 revisions

-------- This document is still in progress --------

Welcome to the Anno Designer Help Manual

The Anno Designer is a windows-based standalone application used to create building layouts, similar to the ones you can find on the Wiki/Fandom Production Layouts pages for different Annon versions e.g

The original creator Jc.Bernack stopped development of this application in 2013, and we have subsequently picked it up (2019) since the launch of Anno 1800. We made many improvements so far, and hope to make many more in future. Please enjoy the application, and log any issues you find so we may improve the application.


    1. Language Menu
    2. Manage Stats Menu
    3. Help Menu
    4. The 'Show' options
  1. Presets Menu


First you need to download the latest version of the Anno Designer, in this case the that can be found here. You have to scroll down a bit sometimes, because of the presets update(s).

Then you unpack the zip file into a folder, like C:\Program Files (x86), it will automatic create the folder for the Anno Designer. When you have done that, go through windows explorer to C:\Program Files (x86)\Anno Designer v8.1\ and select the AnnoDesigner.exe with your right mouse button and choice 'Copy to...' > 'Desktop (shortcut)', a shortcut is made.

If there are a bunch of Presets updates on top of the Anno Designer you have downloaded, then download the Latest released version of presets.json, and copy the file to your Anno Designer folder, and choice 'yes' when he want to overwrite the file.

Note: If there are no updates of presets above the Anno Designer, then you have the latest preset version already.

The following images may not corresponding with the current program

Basic Menu:

The Upper Menu

File Menu: In this menu you will find the following commands:

New Canvas:

This will clear your grid, you can not undo this action so, save your layout first.

Open (or Load):

Select a saved layout you have saved, by browsing through the folders.
If you used it ones to open a layout, it goes to the last used folder the next time.

Save/Save As:

This will let you save you loaded and changed Layout directly. If you use this on a freshly made Layout, he will ask you to give a name for the file, like you use 'Save As'. If you use 'Save As' on a loaded/changed Layout, you can give it an other name.
If you used it ones to save a layout, it goes to the last used folder the next time.

Extra Menu: In this menu you will find the following commands:


When you have moved the grid around, an objects are left outside the canvas or you have a lot of empty grid above or left of your objects, the command will bring that back to one empty row and and one empty column started from the left upper side of the canvas grid.

Reset Zoom:

This will bring back the standard canvas zoom value, that is set in the program.
This standard number can not be changed by users

Register File Extensions:

This will register the file extension <*.ad> to your windows registry, so you can open the layouts directly from your windows explorer and automatically starts the Anno Designer program.
NOTE: When installing an newer version of the Anno Designer or delete
the Anno Designer, use the "Unregister File Extension" first.

Unregister File Extensions:

This will unregister the file extension <*.ad> from your windows registry and you must open the layouts within the Anno Designer program.

Export Menu: In this menu you will find the following commands:

Preset Menu:

Explain view of the menu (see for working the content 'Placing Objects and Grid use')

Building Settings:

Explain the view of this window

Stats Windows:

Explain the view of this window

Placing Objects and Grid use:

Pick & Placing:

Copy & Past (new):

Normal Rotating

Special Rotating (new):

Moving Buildings:

Moving Grid:

Self created objects:

Deleting Objects:

Single Object Deletion:

Multiple Objects Deletion:

Saving and Loading Anno Design Layout:



Copyrights and Legal notes:

Thanks to: