Welcome to the Exchange Platform project! This platform is currently under development and is designed to handle high volumes of user traffic and data efficiently. The architecture employs a microservices approach with independent scaling capabilities, ensuring that each component can grow as the number of users increases.
API Service :- The core backend service responsible for managing user traffic. Handles CRUD operations for users and communicates with queues and pub/sub systems.
WebSocket (WS) Service:- Manages WebSocket connections between the frontend and backend engine.Ensures real-time data exchange and communication.
Engine:- Processes incoming user data and updates the WebSocket connections, database, and frontend as needed.Acts as the central processing unit for user interactions.
Database (DB) Service:- Manages all database operations and seeding.Ensures reliable data storage and retrieval.
Docker Service:- Pulls Docker images and executes them within containers.Facilitates containerized deployment and management.
Market Maker (MM) Service:- Temporarily feeds dummy data into the backend for testing and development purposes.Helps simulate real market conditions and data flows.
Under Development: The platform is still in the development phase.
Bugs: There are known bugs that are actively being addressed.
UI Improvements: Significant improvements are needed in the user interface to enhance usability and aesthetics.
The platform uses a combination of Pub/Sub and Queues for communication between services. This design allows for:
Decoupling: Services communicate asynchronously, reducing dependencies and improving reliability.
Scalability: Each service can scale independently based on demand and user growth.
Bug Fixes: Ongoing work to identify and resolve existing bugs.
UI/UX Improvements: Major upgrades planned to improve the user interface and overall user experience.
Performance Optimization: Enhancements to improve the platform's performance and efficiency.
Clone the Repository:
Install Dependencies: navigate to each service directory and run:
npm install
Run Services: Use Docker to build and start the services:
docker-compose up
navigate to each service directory and run:
npm run dev
We welcome contributions from the community! If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Be sure to follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in the Distributed and Scalable Exchange Platform! Your support and contributions are greatly appreciated as we work towards building a robust and scalable solution.
Frontend: Next-JS 14, Tailwind CSS, lightweight-chart
Backend: Node, Express, Redis Queue, Redis PubSub, docker, PostgreSQL, Next-JS backend, typescript, websocket, vitest