Release v1.2
Release v1.2
What's New?
Add Feature
- Added the ability to add Next of Kin information for a person.
- Introduced the ability to include a Description for each person.
- Improved error messages that can occur from incorrect usage of the Add command
add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/[email protected] a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 k/Joe Doe d/Has a history of memory loss t/mentalIllness t/owesMoney
add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/[email protected] a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 k/Joe Doe d/Has a history of memory loss
Demo of Successful Add Command
Demo of Unsuccessful Add Command
Unsuccessful message is displayed as not all parameters are specified. For example, this command is missing the Next Of Kin parameter
Update Feature
Upgraded the edit feature to the update feature with the following functionality:
- Added the ability to update the details of the person identified by their full name used in the displayed person list.
- The full name provided is not required to be case sensitive.
- Existing values will be overwritten by the input values.
- Improved error messages that can occur from incorrect usage of the Update command
Format: update u/NAME [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…
Note: At least one parameter must be defined
If there is an existing John Doe
update u/John Doe p/91234567 e/[email protected]
update u/John Doe a/Residential College 3 k/Mama Doe
Demo of Successful Update command
Demo of Unsuccessful Update Command
Unsuccessful message is displayed when the incorrect command format is used with the Update command. For example, in this case we use the index instead of the name to update a particular entry.