NeuralNetwork Modelica library.
The NeuralNetwork library is developed in Modelica 4.0 and offers dense feed-forward artificial neural network structures in pure Modelica.
Modelica model NeuralNetwork.Examples.HelloWorld
replace polynomial Modelica
with a dense feed forward neural network with one input and one output layer.
The training of the neural network is done with TensorFlow. Training and export to Modelica is showcased in Jupyter notebook Example/helloWorld.ipynb.
This package is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License.
The development is organized by Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty of Engineering and Mathematics.
Contributor need to sign a contributor license agreement.
This package is based on NeuralNetwork v1.0 (2006-04-28).
PythonToModelica is a Python package to help exporting artificial neural networks from Python to Modelica and used in Example/helloWorld.ipynb. See for build instructions.
You may report any issues by using the Issue Tracker.