Releases: AER-RC/MT_CKD
Releases · AER-RC/MT_CKD
New foreign continuum coefficients in window regions for wavenumbers greater than 4000 cm-1 were derived (Mlawer and Mascio) using a modification to the MT_CKD line shape formalism that was constrained by results from the following studies from the U. Grenoble group led by A. Campargue:
- Mondelain et al. (2015), doi:10.1039/c5cp01238d
- Vasilchenko et al. (2019), .doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt. 2019.02.01
- Mondelain et al. (2020), doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.106923
- Fleurbaey et al. (2022),
- Koroleva et al. (2023),
The water vapor continuum code has been restructured for its inclusion in HITRAN and put in separate module. The absorption coefficients are now in an external (netCDF) file and the code contains only simple scaling and interpolation operations. The full continuum code (contnm.f90) has been modified to call the new water vapor continuum code (K.E. Cady-Pereira, E. Mlawer).
- The water vapor continuum in the microwave through far-infrared was modified (E. Mlawer, V. Payne, J. Mascio, D. Turner). The modifications will be detailed in Payne _et al._ (2021).
- Revised self and foreign continuum coefficients in the microwave were derived based on DOE ARM MWR measurements using an approach similar to that in Payne _et al._ (2010). The temperature dependence of the self continuum in the microwave was modified based on Katkov _et al._ (1995), Tretyakov _et al._ (2016) and the ARM MWR analysis.
- The self continuum in the far-infrared was revised based on Odintsova _et al._ (2020), and the temperature dependence of the self continuum is based on Odintsova _et al._ (2020) and Burch and Grynvak (1979). Beyond the far-IR (up to 800 cm-1), the self temperature dependence was revised based on Burch and Alt (1984) and Burch and Grynvak (1979).
- A bugfix in the oxygen A-band continuum module was implemented (E. Mlawer, J. Mascio, E. Magee).