This mod is a heavily work-in-progress adjustment to multiplayer dialog handling in Baldurs Gate 3. Expect bugs, and potentially game-breaking ones at that!
My intention was to make my own co-op sessions a little less chaotic since I found it quite the bother how chaotic things get when the party doesn't stick together at all times.
Features planned and present currently include
- Force add all characters into a dialog at start.
- Optionally with distance/region limit.
- Toggle random or skill (Charisma/Initiative roll) based dialog leadership.
- Optionally Exclude followers and camp.
- Opt in/out of randomized Dialog
- Enable dialog with grouped followers for the non-owner.
- Let specific characters make a claim to dialog ownership. (Semi-implemented via Opt-In feature)
- Check whether dialog target wants to talk to a particular player-controlled character
- If so, ask to defer important or special dialogs to another player
- Hack the dialog system some more to function like in SWTOR.
- Unfortunately, ongoing dialogs don't happen within the scope of the Osiris script system, so this depends on the necessary hooks being mapped in bg3se.
Larian pls.
This mod requires BG3SE by Norbyte.
Thank you Norbyte.
Install the .pak however you usually install .paks, I recommend BG3MM. Or use the loose files directly in the Data directory.
Installing this mod will make your savegame depend on the presence of CoopDialog_Passives.txt that is bundled with this mod. Without this file your save will not load.
I'll get around to sorting this out eventually.
This will change a lot as I add more polish. At present, the host-controlled character will be given an ample amount of toggles:
- Dialog leadership determination methods (exclusive with one another):
- Vanilla (Dialog starter leads dialog, but listeners will still be force-pulled in)
- Random (Leadership is rolled amongst actively controlled characters)
- Charisma (Same as Random, except taking charisma stat into account)
- Initiative (Same as Charisma, except taking initiative stat into account)
- Mod preferences
- Enable/Disable dialog hand-off when talking to follower NPCs
- Enable/Disable mod features to 35 distance units. (Roughly translates to meters).
- TODO: Make this a client preference
- Enable/Disable leadership roll opt-in.
- Dialog leadership will only be determined amongst listeners who toggle the passive on their end
- If noone opts in, dialog leadership falls back to vanilla method
- If only one person opts in, they'll be the defacto overall dialog leader
- Disable the mod and all of its features
- TODO: Make this a client preference
Short-to-midterm I will look for more appropriate icons for the toggles to be more easily distinguishable. Further, I need to check which DB to query on whether a dialog target has special dialog with a party member.
Mid-dialog changes unfortunately require a lot more work on the side of BG3SE, so anything involving this is more of a long term todo.