- 更加快速的通信效率, 直接使用socket通信, 而非http.
- 无需担心设备没有连接上wifi等影响.链路层走的是USB数据线.
- 基于facebook的WebDriverAgent驱动进行开发.
- 基于OC语言, 可供广大iOS开发者方便的实现自动化UI, 提供App稳定性.
- 非侵入式框架, 无需在项目中嵌入
##Now, the framework only works on usb connection, so simulator doesn't support(只支持真机设备)
#import "WDClient.h"
#Create Client(创建客户端)
NSString *udid = @"a49bcbd6a9d3b24b8f70b8adde348925a5bfac6e";
FBHTTPOverUSBClient *client = [[WDClient alloc] initWithDeviceUDID: udid];
#Start A App on real device(在真机上运行)
###first set the bundle id(先设置bundle id)
[client setBundleID: @"com.nd.www.TestAppForIOS"]
###next step, call startApp method(下一步, 调用startApp方法)
[client startApp]
- API(接口档案): https://github.com/sixleaves/WDUSBClient/wiki
- WD地址(建议用我的, 我会和facebook那边的框架保持同步, 并会添加新功能, 修复bug):https://github.com/sixleaves/WebDriverAgent
QQ群: 114577285