A USB hub that fits in the space and footprint of the existing Raspberry Pi. Compatible with the RPi B, RPi B+, and RPi 2.
Power your Pi, add USB ports, and look great doing it!
4PxU_RPISB Specification.docx is the hardware specification document created by Mindlab Tech for Raspiado. It represents a formalized document that governs what functions and requirements Raspiado needed and how those things would be achieved.
PCB Design Files are the EAGLE files for the Raspiado board.
It includes 2 folders- the main design files are in 4PxU_RPi Rev B 18July2014. I had a small issue with the board logo and the resulting change are stored in 2014-10-3 new logo
When I went to production with Raspiado, I required a few crossreferenced components in order to function with the inventory items that my PCB manufacturer preferred. You can find those in the BOM_Crossreferences spreadsheet.
Raspiado would have never seen the light of day with it's attractive, intelligent, and supportive backers.
When I started the project, I never knew that I'd be able to create something that would be appreciated by people all over the world.