- Added latest Twig 2 & Craft 3 functions, filters and tags to package grammar
- Spacing issues
- Comment updates
- Released 1.0.0 to work with semver
- Fixed duplicate closing
on incp snippet
- Updated the changelog to better highlight what has been changed.
- APM Patch deployment
- Added dd snippet
- Added additional cache snippets for support with globally, keys, until and unless. You can now use cache, cacheg, cachek, cachegk, cacheuntil, cacheunless
- Fixed spacing issues on output
- Updated order param with orderBy for Craft 3
- The inc snippet now excludes the
param, use incp to output the params
- Clean up of snippet code
- Removed assetsp, categoriesp, entriesp, feedp, tagsp, usersp. You can still use assets, categories, entries, feed, tags, users
- Added snippets for if ... elseif and if ... elseif ... else tags
- Improved the elseif snippet to allow condition
- Added elseif snippet
- APM Patch deployment
- Added cache snippet
- Updated snippets to support Craft 3
- Initial release