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Guide to porting super-reu to new hardware

This documents gives some pointers on what's needed to port super-reu to a new FPGA platform.

FPGA resource requirements

Clock speed

The design has been created for a system clock speed of 80-100 MHz. It can probably still work at much lower speeds, but the timing in bus_manager (and phi_recovery, if used) would need to be adjusted accordingly.

Number of logic elements

When implemented on a Cyclone 10, around 3000 logic elements are used (see the Quartus Fitter Usage Summary report for details) for the design with 4 DMA channels. No LUTs with more than 4 inputs are used in this implementation.

Block RAM

The only BRAM used by the design is for the ROML/ROMH emulation, which uses 128 Kbits of BRAM. ROMH is not actually used by the sample design, so this can be halved if needed. It's also possible to remove ROML as well, booting software from floppy disk or datassette instead, to reduce BRAM use to 0.

Conversely, if lots of BRAM is available, it can be used for the REU memory thus removing the need for external RAM.

Required peripherals

Expansion port

The following expansion port pins must be available to the FPGA:

  • IRQ - For the DMA channels to be able to raise interrupts, the FPGA must be able to pull the IRQ pin low.
  • R/W - The FPGA must be able to both sample and drive this pin high/low.
  • EXROM - For the boot ROM to work, the FPGA needs to be able to pull this pin low.
  • GAME - Like EXROM, but needed only for ROMH which is not used by the sample boot ROM.
  • IO1/IO2 - The FPGA must be able to tell if either of these are pulled low, but does not need to know which one. The signals can be combined (with an AND gate) either internally or externally.
  • ROML/ROMH - Like IO1/IO2, the FPGA must be able to tell if either is pulled low, but does not need to differentiate between them. The default ROM does not rely on the ROMH pin being connected, and if running without ROM there is no need to connect ROML either. If ROMH is unconnected, then GAME must not be driven low. If ROML is unconnected, then EXROM must not be driven low,
  • BA - The FPGA must be able to sample the level of this pin, to detect VIC use of the bus
  • DMA - The FPGA must be able to pull this pin low (surprise!)
  • D0-D7 - The FPGA must be able to both sample, and drive these pins high/low. A single control signal to control the direction of all 8 pins is sufficient.
  • A0-A15 - The FPGA must be able to both sample, and drive these pins high/low. A single control signal to control the direction of all 16 pins is sufficient.
  • RESET - The FPGA must be able to sample this pin, but in case loading of ROM code from an external source is used it should also be able to pull RESET low until the ROM load completes.
  • PHI2 - The FPGA must be able to sample this pin to align its bus cycle timing with that of the C64.

There does not need to be any connection to the DOTClk or NMI pins.

All inputs and outputs on the expansion port use TTL signal levels. Level shifters should be added if required by the FPGA chip.


128 Kbytes to 16 Mbytes of RAM is needed to back the external memory of the DMA channels. In the Chameleon implementation this is implemented with an external SDRAM, and in the Orange Cartridge implementation by HyperRAM, but internal memory resources could also be used. At least two memory ports (one read/write, one write only) are needed if the MMC64 function is desired, but accesses are allowed to take multiple cycles, and can thus be serialized if only one hardware port is available (as is the case with the SDRAM and HyperRAM).

Optional peripherals


If the MMC64 function is desired, an SDcard reader must be connected to the FPGA. Only SPI mode is used, so the mandatory signals are CS, CLK, DI, DO, and CD. WP is also expected, but only reported to software and not needed by the sample application.

SPI flash

The Chameleon and Orange Cartridge implementations loads the contents of the ROM from SPI flash on startup. This is done to allow for convenient update of the ROM contents, but is not necessary at all. Even if using the ROM functionality, the contents could be put into the FPGA bitstream using e.g. $readmemh.

LEDs and buttons

The Chameleon implementation uses two LEDs to indicate init completion and SDcard activity, and two buttons to reset the C64 and the FPGA respectively. The Orange Cartridge implementation uses the red and green channels of the RGB LED to indicate the same information as the Chameleon LEDs, and the single button to reset the C64. All this is completely optional.

RTL modules

This section describes the RTL modules making up the super-reu core, and how to interface them with a top level design.


This module handles the interface to the C64 expansion port, and deals with the bus cycle timing.

  • clk - The system clock (100 MHz)
  • reset - Synchronous reset, when 1 the bus will be tristated and DMA deasserted
  • phi - This should be a recreated PHI signal which is in phase with the external PHI2 signal but synced with the clk clock for setup and hold purposes
  • ds_dir - If a bidirectional level shifter is used for the data bus, this output indicates the currently desired direction, 0 = C64 drives into FPGA, 1 = FPGA drives into expansion port.
  • ds_en_n - If a bidirectional level shifter is used for the data bus, this output indicates wheter or not it should be active. 0 = level shifter drives in the direction indicated by ds_dir, 1 = both sides tri-stated
  • d_d - Data bus input, connect to expansion port data bus
  • d_q - Data bus output, drive data pins to this value when d_oe is 1
  • d_oe - Data bus output enable. 0 = tristate data pins, 1 = drive data pins
  • as_dir - If a bidirectional level shifter is used for the address bus, this output indicates the currently desired direction, 0 = C64 drives into FPGA, 1 = FPGA drives into expansion port.
  • as_en_n - If a bidirectional level shifter is used for the address bus, this output indicates wheter or not it should be active. 0 = level shifter drives in the direction indicated by as_dir, 1 = both sides tri-stated
  • a_d - Address bus input, connect to expansion port address bus
  • a_q - Address bus output, drive address pins to this value when a_oe is 1
  • a_oe - Address bus output enable. 0 = tristate address pins, 1 = drive address pins
  • ba - Connect this input to BA on the expansion port
  • ioef - This input should be 1 whenever either IO1 or IO2 is low
  • romlh - This input should be 1 whenever either ROML or ROMH is low. If ROM is not used (neither EXROM or GAME is driven low), this input can be set to constant 0.
  • rw_in - Read/write control input, connect to R/W on the expansion port
  • rw_out - Read/write control output; when this output is 1 the R/W pin on the expansion port should be driven low. When it is 0 output should be tri-stated / open.
  • dma - DMA output; when this output is 1 the DMA pin on the expansion port should be driven low. When it is 0 output should be tri-stated / open.
  • romlhdata - Data for ROML/ROMH. Should be valid starting one system clock cycle after romlh_r_strobe is asserted.
  • romlh_r_strobe - This output is set to 1 to trigger a read from ROM into romlhdata. The ROM address should be taken from the 14 least significant bits of the expansion port address bus.
  • ioefdata - Data for IO1/IO2. Should be valid starting one system clock cycle after ioef_r_strobe is asserted.
  • ioef_r_strobe - This output is set to 1 to trigger a read from IO registers into ioefdata. The register address should be taken from the 9 least significant bits of the expansion port address bus.
  • ioef_w_strobe - This output is set to 1 to trigger a write to IO registers. The register address should be taken from the 9 least significant bits of the expansion port address bus, and the data to write from the expansion port data bus.
  • ff00_w_strobe - This output is set to 1 for one system clock cycle when a write to address FF00 is detected.
  • clockport_enable - Set this input to 1 to redirect the I/O range from the address given by the address in parameter CLOCKPORT_START (inclusive, default value DE02) to the address given by the address in parameter CLOCKPORT_END (exclusive, default value DE10) to the clockport instead of the ioef_r_strobeand ioef_w_strobe signals. If clockport functionality is not needed, it can be disabled by tying this signal constant low.
  • clockport_read - This output is set to 1 when the clock port IORD signal should be asserted (low), together with the desired chip select pin. If clockport functionality is not needed, this signal can be ignored.
  • clockport_write - This output is set to 1 when the clock port IOWR signal should be asserted (low), together with the desired chip select pin. If clockport functionality is not needed, this signal can be ignored.
  • dma_a - DMA request address input
  • dma_d - DMA request data input (for write cycles)
  • dma_q - DMA request data output (for read cycles), valid once the DMA operation is acked.
  • dma_rw - Read/write mode for DMA request (0 = read, 1 = write)
  • dma_req - Input which should be toggled to request a new DMA transfer
  • dma_ack - Output which will take the value of dma_req once the DMA transfer has been completed.
  • dma_alloc - When this input is 1, the bus manager will assert DMA at the next opportunity (if it not already asserted), and keep it asserted until the input returns to 0, even if there are no DMA transfers requested using dma_req. This can be used to lock the bus for multiple transfers.

The following schematic illustrates how a single bit of the data bus should be hooked up when using external level shifters (address bus is analogous):

Schematic 1

For open-collector signals such as R/W, a simpler level shifting setup can be employed, as illustrated in the following schematic:

Schematic 2


This module handles accesses to the DE00-DFFF area by dividing the address space into apertures handled by separate modules. The instantiation parameter a_bits indicate how many bits of the addresses need to be tested. This should be set to 9 since the upper 7 bits have already been matched by the PLA in the C64. The instantiation parmeter devices specify the number of apertures, and the number of modules they should be connected to. Finally the instantiation parameters base_addresses and aperture_widths give the base address (always a full 16-bit address, but only the lower a_bits will actually be compared) and size (as a power of two) for each aperture.

  • a - Input of the a_bits lowest bits of the expansion port address
  • read_strobe - Connect to ioef_r_strobe on bus_manager
  • write_strobe - Connect to ioef_w_strobe on bus_manager
  • read_data - Connect to ioefdata on bus_manager
  • read_strobes - Output of devices individual read strobes, one per device
  • write_strobes - Output of devices individual write strobes, one per device
  • read_datas - Input of devices groups of 8 bits, one per device, of responses to read strobes


The actual DMA channels. The instantiation parameter channels select the number of channels (1-16). The register aperture must be at least 16*channels large. The instantiation parameter ram_a_bits selects the size of the expansion RAM addresses (17-24 bits).

  • clk - The system clock (100 MHz)
  • reset - Synchronous reset, when 1 all registers will be reset
  • irq - When this output is 1, the expansion port IRQ pin should be pulled low. When it is 0, the pin should be tri-stated / open.
  • a - Address bus input, connect to expansion port address bus
  • d_d - Data bus input, connect to expansion port data bus
  • d_q - Data bus output, connect to address_decoder
  • read_strobe - Connect to address_decoder
  • write_strobe - Connect to address_decoder
  • ff00_strobe - Connect to ff00_w_strobe on bus_manager
  • dma_a - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_d - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_q - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_rw - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_req - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_ack - Connect to bus_manager
  • dma_alloc - Connect to bus_manager
  • ram_a - Address output for RAM port
  • ram_d - Data output for RAM port writes
  • ram_q - Data input from RAM port reads
  • ram_we - Read/write mode for RAM port (0=read, 1=write)
  • ram_req - Toggled when the module wants to perform a RAM operation
  • ram_ack - Input which should take the value of ram_req once the RAM operation is complete
  • phi2tick - This input should be 1 for one system clock cycle every period of the PHI2 clock. It is used for the pacing functionality.

The suggested timing for phi2tick is to assert it towards the end of the low part of PHI2, since the dma_req signal is sampled during the first half of the low part of PHI2 (approx 200 ns from the falling edge), which gives the DMA engine ample time to prepare the DMA request before the next checkpoint.


The mmc64 module relies on an external implementation of SPI (this is because the SPI implementation is shared with the ROM loading function in the Chameleon implementation). Thus it simply signals that it wants to start a transfer and the 8 bits that it wants to send, and expects the corresponding input bits to be available when the transfer request is acknowledged. The exact SPI clocks provided for the two speeds are not important, but the fast speed should be at least 6 MHz to be able to sustain steaming movie playback, and the slow speed must not exceed 400 kHz.

The instantiation parameter ram_a_bits selects the size of the expansion RAM addresses (17-24 bits).

  • clk - System clock
  • reset - Synchronous reset, when 1 all registers will be reset
  • a - Address bus input, connect to expansion port address bus
  • d_d - Data bus input, connect to expansion port data bus
  • d_q - Data bus output, connect to address_decoder
  • read_strobe - Connect to address_decoder
  • write_strobe - Connect to address_decoder
  • spi_q - The DI bits collected during the latest SPI transfer
  • spi_d - The DO bits to send in the next transfer
  • spi_req - Toggled when the module wants to perform a new transfer
  • spi_speed - Requested SPI clock of the transfer, 0=250 kHz, 1=8 MHz
  • spi_ack - Input which should take the value of spi_req once the transfer is complete
  • wp - Input from the Write Protect tab detector on the SDcard reader
  • cd - Input from the Card Detect sensor on SDcard reader
  • spi_cs - Card Select signal to the SDcard
  • exrom, game - Inputs for the current state of the corresponding expansion port pins. Only used for the status register.
  • disable_exrom - Output that indicates the state of bit 5 in the Control register. If using ROM, then the EXROM pin should be driven low when this value is 0.
  • ram_a - Address output for RAM port
  • ram_d - Data output for RAM port writes
  • ram_q - Data input from RAM port reads (not used)
  • ram_we - Read/write mode for RAM port (always 1=write)
  • ram_req - Toggled when the module wants to perform a RAM operation
  • ram_ack - Input which should take the value of ram_req once the RAM operation is complete


A dummy register file example for adding new functionality.

  • clk - System clock
  • reset - Synchronous reset, when 1 all registers will be reset
  • a - Address bus input, connect to expansion port address bus
  • d_d - Data bus input, connect to expansion port data bus
  • d_q - Data bus output, connect to address_decoder
  • read_strobe - Connect to address_decoder
  • write_strobe - Connect to addres_decoder
  • clockport_enable - Set to 1 if the first write to $DE01 has the LSB set (RR compatibility)
  • soft_reset - This output is asserted for 255 system clock cycles after the magic value $52 is written to $DE00. This can be used to implement a software controlled reset signal.


A simple ROM emulator based on BRAM. It has one read port and one write port (where the latter is used for initialization).

The instantiation parameter ram_a_bits selects the size of the ROM addresses. Use 14 for 16K ROM (ROML+ROMH), 13 for 8K ROM (ROML only).

  • clk - System clock
  • read_addr - Read port address input
  • write_addr - Write port address input
  • read_data - Read port data output
  • write_data - Write port data input
  • read_strobe - Read port strobe, data will be available the following cycle
  • write_strobe - Write port strobe, data should be made available the same cycle


A simplified version of chameleon_phi_clock by Peter Wendrich. It's a PLL with an NCO that generates a local version of the PHI2 clock offset by a configurable number of system clocks.

The instantiation parameter phase_shift selects the number of system clocks that the locally generated PHI2 clock precedes the C64 PHI2 clock.

  • clk - System clock
  • phi2_in - The PHI2 signal from the C64 expansion port
  • phi2_out - The locally regenerated PHI2 clock
  • phi2_out_lock - This output is set to 1 when the locally generated PHI2 clock is phase locked to the C64 PHI2 clock.
  • full_m2 - This output is set to 1 during the 2nd to last cycle before the falling edge of phi2_out
  • full_m1 - This output is set to 1 during the last cycle before the falling edge of phi2_out
  • full_p0 - This output is set to 1 during the first cycle after the falling edge of phi2_out
  • full_p1 - This output is set to 1 during the 2nd cycle after the falling edge of phi2_out
  • half_m2 - This output is set to 1 during the 2nd to last cycle before the rising edge of phi2_out
  • half_m1 - This output is set to 1 during the last cycle before the rising edge of phi2_out
  • half_p0 - This output is set to 1 during the first cycle after the rising edge of phi2_out
  • half_p1 - This output is set to 1 during the 2nd cycle after the rising edge of phi2_out


A cold/warm reset generator. The instantiation parameter reset_cycles selects the number of system cycles after which the reset signal is deasserted again.

  • clk - System clock
  • ext_reset_n - External reset input. Connect this to the reset signal from the C64 expansion port. In order to prevent feedback loops, this input reacts only to a falling edge.
  • int_reset - A synchronous input which will trigger a warm reset when 1
  • soft_reset - When this input is asserted, a falling edge on ext_reset_n does not trigger an internal reset. This allows resetting of the C64 without resetting the super-reu core.
  • reset - Reset output


An SPI master implementation for use with the mmc64 module, or any other function needing to perform SPI transfers. The instantiation parameters clk_speed and sck_speed should indicate the speed of the system clock and the desired SCK speed, respectively. Any unit (Hz, kHz, MHz) can be used as long as it is the same for both parameters. A second "fast" SCK speed (there is no requirement that it is actually faster) can also be specified using the parameter sck_fast_speed.

  • clk - System clock
  • reset - Reset input
  • sclk - Connect to SCLK pin
  • miso - Connect to MISO pin
  • mosi - Connect to MOSI pin
  • req - Toggle this input to start a new SPI transfer
  • ack - This output takes the same value as req when the transfer is completed
  • fast_speed_en - When two speeds are configured, a 1 here selects the "fast" speed. If sck_fast_speed is not specified, this input does not need to be connected
  • d - The byte to send on MOSI (should remain valid until the transfer is acknowledged)
  • q - The byte which was receoved on MISO (will be valid from the point where the transfer is acknowledeged to the point where a new transfer is requested)