Eversports offers venues the possibility to manage their courts. For Eversports it’s important that the venue owners are working closely with our tool. Based on previous analysis we know that the more courts a venue owner is offering on Eversports, the more actively they are using our tool. E.g. a venue that offers 5 or more courts has only a 2% chance to cancel their contract. That’s why it’s important for our business to know how many courts a venue owner is offering on Eversports. The goal is that owners are offering at least 5 courts.
Show a list of venues with their courts to know which venues offer more less than 5 courts.
- Show a list of venues and the number of offered courts
- The number of offered courts has to be highlighted if it’s less than 5 courts
- Each venue has a details button that opens a details page
- The detail page contains the venue name, address and a list of each offered court
- Use the Eversports CI for the UI
- Use Bootstrap as CSS framework
- Use codepen.io to create the exercise
- Use Pug for HTML
- Use SCSS for CSS
- Import jQuery for Javascript
- Use the venue mock data
- Bootstrap (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- Pug (https://pugjs.org/api/getting-started.html)
- Sass (https://sass-lang.com/)
- Eversports CI (https://www.eversports.style/brand)
- Codepen.io (https://codepen.io/)