Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel® MKL-DNN) is an open-source performance library for deep-learning applications. The library accelerates deep-learning applications and frameworks on Intel® architecture and Intel® Processor Graphics Architecture. Intel MKL-DNN contains vectorized and threaded building blocks that you can use to implement deep neural networks (DNN) with C and C++ interfaces. For more, please see the MKL-DNN documentation on (
Intel and Microsoft have developed MKL-DNN Execution Provider (EP) for ONNX Runtime to accelerate performance of ONNX Runtime using Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel® MKL-DNN) optimized primitives.
For information on how MKL-DNN optimizes subgraphs, see Subgraph Optimization
For build instructions, please see the BUILD page.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Windows 10
- Mac OS X
The MKLDNNExecutionProvider execution provider needs to be registered with ONNX Runtime to enable in the inference session.
InferenceSession session_object{so};
session_object.RegisterExecutionProvider(std::make_unique<::onnxruntime:: MKLDNNExecutionProvider >());
status = session_object.Load(model_file_name);
The C API details are here.
When using the python wheel from the ONNX Runtime built with MKL-DNN execution provider, it will be automatically prioritized over the CPU execution provider. Python APIs details are here.
For performance tuning, please see guidance on this page: ONNX Runtime Perf Tuning