Python Knot is a Python package for creating and manipulating knots and links. It is based on the KnotTheory package for Mathematica.
only support python 3.8 or later
pip install pythonknot
- Create and manipulate knots and links.
- Compute invariants of knots and links.
- Visualize knots and links.
import pythonknot.alexander_poly as alexander_poly
positions = alexander_poly.read_xyz("test/traj_knot31_L300_close.txt")
# calculate the knot type for ring polymer
knottype = alexander_poly.calculate_knot_type(positions)
# calculate the knot type for open polymer
knottype = alexander_poly.calculate_knot_type_open_chain(positions)
## calculate the knot size for ring polymer
knottype, knotsize = alexander_poly.calculate_knot_size(positions[1:100], "ring")
# open chain
positions = alexander_poly.read_xyz("test/traj_knot31_L300_open.txt")
knottype, knotsize = alexander_poly.calculate_knot_size(positions, "open")
# read traj
import pythonknot.alexander_poly as alexander_poly
positions = alexander_poly.read_xyz("traj_knot31_L300_close.txt")
import pythonknot.homfly as homfly
crossing_number, homflr_poly = homfly.homfly_str(positions[0]) # position should be N_atom*3 array
KMT algorithm, simplify the configuration of the polymer chain, return the simplified chain and the knot type of the chain
#position should be a 2D array, the first dimension is the number of beads, the second dimension is the x, y, z coordinates
simplified_knot = alexander_poly.KMT_chain(positions, "open")
# if you have ring polymer, you can use the following code
simplified_knot = alexander_poly.KMT_chain(positions, "ring")
Extented gauss notation,
# default for open chain
gauss_notation = alexander_poly.gauss_notation(simplified_knot)
# if you have ring polymer, you can use the following code, add the first point to the end of the chain
simplified_knot = np.vstack((simplified_knot, simplified_knot[0]))
gauss_notation = alexander_poly.gauss_notation(simplified_knot)
add other method of open chain knot type calculation, KMT after adding the tail add write_xyz function to save the xyz file