diff --git a/ClipboardAutoProcessor.csproj b/ClipboardAutoProcessor.csproj
index b59991e..58e28f3 100644
--- a/ClipboardAutoProcessor.csproj
+++ b/ClipboardAutoProcessor.csproj
@@ -113,6 +113,12 @@
+ PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
diff --git a/config.default.en-US.ini b/config.default.en-US.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b3ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.default.en-US.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Display language
+# Possible Values:
+# auto = Use system language
+# en-US = English
+# zh-CN = Chinese (Simplified)
+displayLanguage = auto
+# The font name used to display text in multiline textbox
+# Example Values:
+# (leave blank) = Use the default font of textbox control
+# Consolas
+# Courier New
+# Lucida Console
+textareaFontName =
+# The font size used to display text in multiline textbox
+# Example Values:
+# (leave blank) = Use the default font size of textbox control
+# 9
+# 10.5
+# 12
+textareaFontSize =
+# The way to process line ending in multiline textbox
+# Possible Values:
+# normalizeToCrLf = Normalize to "\r\n" (recommended)
+# keep = Keep original ("\n" will not displayed as line breaking)
+textareaLineEnding = normalizeToCrLf
+# Primary processing script folder path (based on the folder where ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe is located)
+scriptDir1 = scripts
+# Secondary processing script folder path (based on the folder where ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe is located)
+scriptDir2 = scripts2
+# Script file extension
+extension = php
+# The full path of script interpreter program
+# Supported Replacement Variables:
+# = The full path of the folder where ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe is located
+# = The full path of the script file to execute
+# = The file name of the script file to execute
+# = The extension name of the script file to execute
+# = The full path of the folder where the script file is located
+# %envVarName% = The value of environment variable named envVarName. Most frequently used variables are:
+# %SystemDrive% = C:
+# %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS
+# %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
+# %ProgramFiles(x86)% = C:\Program Files (x86)
+# %APPDATA% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Roaming
+# %LOCALAPPDATA% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Local
+# %TEMP% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Local\Temp
+# %USERNAME% = (YourUserName)
+# %PATH% = ...;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;...
+program = C:\php\php.exe
+# The arguments passing to script interpreter program
+# Supported Replacement Variables:
+# Same as "program" configuration parameter
+arguments = -f "" --
+# The value of PATH environment variable to set
+# Supported Replacement Variables:
+# Same as "program" configuration parameter. Usually contains a %PATH% to retain original value.
+# This parameter is optional. When it does not exist, the PATH value will not be set; But when it exists
+# and has an empty value, the PATH value will be set to empty.
+setPath = C:\php;%PATH%
+# Input text encoding
+# Possible Values:
+# systemDefault = Use system default encoding
+# base64_systemDefault = Base64 encoded system default encoding text
+# base64_utf8 = Base64 encoded UTF-8 encoding text (recommended for self-written script)
+# This parameter is optional. When it does not exist, systemDefault is used. But the default value
+# will not override the configuration parameter values in script file which have higher priority.
+inputEncoding = base64_utf8
+# Output text encoding
+# Possible Values:
+# Same as "inputEncoding" configuration parameter
+# This parameter is optional. When it does not exist, systemDefault is used. But the default value
+# will not override the configuration parameter values in script file which have higher priority.
+outputEncoding = base64_utf8
+extension = py
+program = C:\Python\Python37\python.exe
+arguments = ""
+setPath = C:\Python\Python37;%PATH%
+inputEncoding = systemDefault
+outputEncoding = systemDefault
+extension = js
+program = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
+arguments = ""
+setPath = %APPDATA%\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs;%PATH%
+inputEncoding = base64_utf8
+outputEncoding = base64_utf8
+extension = astyle-ini
+program = D:\Downloads\AStyle_3.1_windows\AStyle\bin\AStyle.exe
+arguments = --options=""
+inputEncoding = systemDefault
+outputEncoding = systemDefault
diff --git a/config.default.zh-CN.ini b/config.default.zh-CN.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f9331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.default.zh-CN.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# 界面显示语言
+# 可选值:
+# auto = 使用系统语言
+# en-US = 英文
+# zh-CN = 简体中文
+displayLanguage = auto
+# 在多行文本框中显示文本时使用的字体名称
+# 示例值:
+# (留空) = 使用文本框控件默认字体
+# Consolas
+# Courier New
+# Lucida Console
+textareaFontName =
+# 在多行文本框中显示文本时使用的字体大小
+# 示例值:
+# (留空) = 使用文本框控件默认字号
+# 9
+# 10.5
+# 12
+textareaFontSize =
+# 在多行文本框中处理换行符的方式
+# 可选值:
+# normalizeToCrLf = 统一为 "\r\n" (推荐)
+# keep = 保持原始内容的换行符不变 ("\n" 换行不能正常显示)
+textareaLineEnding = normalizeToCrLf
+# 首次处理脚本文件所在目录 (以 ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe 文件所在目录为基础)
+scriptDir1 = scripts
+# 二次处理脚本文件所在目录 (以 ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe 文件所在目录为基础)
+scriptDir2 = scripts2
+# 脚本文件扩展名
+extension = php
+# 脚本解释器程序的完整路径
+# 支持的替换变量:
+# = ClipboardAutoProcessor.exe 文件所在目录的完整路径
+# = 所执行脚本文件的完整路径
+# = 所执行脚本文件的文件名
+# = 所执行脚本文件的扩展名
+# = 所执行脚本文件所在目录的完整路径
+# %envVarName% = 名称为 envVarName 的环境变量的值,常用环境变量如下:
+# %SystemDrive% = C:
+# %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS
+# %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files
+# %ProgramFiles(x86)% = C:\Program Files (x86)
+# %APPDATA% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Roaming
+# %LOCALAPPDATA% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Local
+# %TEMP% = C:\Users\(YourUserName)\AppData\Local\Temp
+# %USERNAME% = (YourUserName)
+# %PATH% = ...;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;...
+program = C:\php\php.exe
+# 执行脚本解释器程序时所传入的参数
+# 支持的替换变量:
+# 同 program 配置参数
+arguments = -f "" --
+# 要设置的 PATH 环境变量的值
+# 支持的替换变量:
+# 同 program 配置参数,通常会使用 %PATH% 保留原有的值
+# 该配置参数为可选项,不存在时不会设置 PATH 的值,但存在且值为空时会设置 PATH 为空。
+setPath = C:\php;%PATH%
+# 输入文本的编码
+# 可选值:
+# systemDefault = 使用系统默认字符集编码
+# base64_systemDefault = Base64 编码过的系统默认字符集编码文本
+# base64_utf8 = Base64 编码过的 UTF-8 编码文本 (自行编写脚本时推荐使用)
+# 该配置参数为可选项,不存在时默认使用 systemDefault, 但不会覆盖脚本文件中更高优先级的配置值。
+inputEncoding = base64_utf8
+# 输出文本的编码
+# 可选值:
+# 同 inputEncoding 配置参数
+# 该配置参数为可选项,不存在时默认使用 systemDefault, 但不会覆盖脚本文件中更高优先级的配置值。
+outputEncoding = base64_utf8
+extension = py
+program = C:\Python\Python37\python.exe
+arguments = ""
+setPath = C:\Python\Python37;%PATH%
+inputEncoding = systemDefault
+outputEncoding = systemDefault
+extension = js
+program = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
+arguments = ""
+setPath = %APPDATA%\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs;%PATH%
+inputEncoding = base64_utf8
+outputEncoding = base64_utf8
+extension = astyle-ini
+program = D:\Downloads\AStyle_3.1_windows\AStyle\bin\AStyle.exe
+arguments = --options=""
+inputEncoding = systemDefault
+outputEncoding = systemDefault