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CIS18C: Shell Programming

This repository contains all the labs assigned during De Anza College's CIS18C course for Spring 2015. Labs 1-8 are in bash while Lab 9 is in ksh and Lab 10 is in tcsh. This course is the last course in the CIS18 series and is preceded by CIS18A: Introduction to Unix/Linux and CIS18B: Advanced Unix/Linux. As the title implies, this course focuses primarily on learning shell scripting in a Unix/Linux environment and the shells learned throughout the course are bash, ksh, and tcsh.

Course Objectives (from syllabus)

Upon completion of the course, students will have learned the following concepts for the bash, Korn, and tcsh shells:

  • Shell scripting concepts
  • Script Input / Output
  • Expressions, Decision / Looping / Control Constructs
  • Shell Special Variables, User Defined Variables, Arrays
  • String Manipulation
  • Functions
  • Signals