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121 lines (106 loc) · 4.51 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (106 loc) · 4.51 KB

Aula de Vim:

Abrindo o vim:
        - vim <file>
        - dentro do vim :e <file>. Obs: "e" = short for edit;

Andando no Vim:
           k - para cima
           l - para a direita
           j - para baixo
           h - para a esquerda

    - i - Insere onde o esta o cursor
    - I - Insere no comeco da linha 
    - s - Deleta o caracter e entra no modo de insersao
    - S - Deleta a linha e entra no modo de insersao 
    - a - insere apos aonde o cursor esta
    - A - entra no modo de insersao no fim da linha
    - o - cria uma linha abaixo de onde esta e entra no modo de insersao
    - O - cria uma linha acima de onde esta e entra no modo de insersao 
    - c
    - C - deleta do cursor ate o fim da linha e entra no modo de insersao
    w - anda ate o comeco da proxima palavra 
    W - anda ate o comeco da proxima PALAVRA 
    b - anda ate o comeco da PALAVRA anterior 
    B - anda ate o comeco da PALAVRA anterior
    e - anda ate o fim da proxima palavra
    E - anda ate o fim da proxima PALAVRA
    [n]f<o> - Forward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive) 
    [n]F<o> - Forward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive) 
    [n]t<o> - Backward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive) 
    [n]T<o> - Backward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive) 

    / - Forward
    ? - Backward
    * - Word under cursor - forward (bounded = extamente igual)
    g* - Word under cursor - forward (unbounded = contida, ou com maiuscula)
    # - Word under cursor - backward (bounded = extamente igual)   
    g# - Word under cursor - backward (unbounded = contida, ou com maiuscula)
    n - next result
    N - previous result

Common Edit commands:
    d - Delete: [range]d<motion>        
        dd - delete current line
        dj - delete current line and next line (j = down)
        2dj - delete current line and next 2 lines (j = down)
    c - Change (Same as d but put me in insert mode)
        cw - change word
        cc = S - Delete current line ans enter insert mode
    ~ - Toggle the case of character under cursor
    g~ - Toggle the case of motion]
        g~w - Toggle case of the cursor -> end of word
        g~iw - Toggle case of entire woed undr cursor        
    r{char} - replace the caracter under the cursor with char
    R - Enter Insert mode, replacing characters rather than inserting

   "<reg> - Registrador que guarda algo
            "ayy - Yank current line into 'a' register
            "ap - Paste 'a' register " 
    <Ctrl-r><reg> - Paste contents of <reg> no modo de insersao
    :reg - Para listar os registradores   
    Special Registers: 
        " - Noname buffer - Last dcsxy"
        _ - Blackhole buffer
        % - Filename
        / - Last search
        : - Last command
        . - Last edit

Advanced Motions:
    () - Sentences ("." delimited words)
    {} - Paragraphs (Next empty line) 
    <#>G - Go to line #
    gg - Go to the top of the file
    ]] - Next section (May move between functions)
    [[ - Previous section 
    0 - Front of line
    ^ - Front of line (first non-blank)
    % - Matching brace/bracket/paren/tag

Text Objects:  {} [] () w <> t ' ' " "
    i vs a:
        i = Inside
             self.test[obj|ect] -> ci[ -> self.test[|]
            a = Around
             self.test[obj|ect] -> ca[ -> self.test|

Misc. Commands:            
    zz - Center screen 
    zt - Scroll the screen so the cursor is at the top
    zb - Scroll the screen so the cursor is at the botton
    ZZ - Write and quit (= :wq)     

Managing multiple files at once:
    :tabnew [file] - Open a new tab with given file (or empty file)
    gt or :tabn - Next tab
    gT or :tabp - Previous tab
    :tabm # - Move current tab to position # (zero-indexed), no argument = end
    :tabc - Close current tab
    :tabo - Close all other tabs except current


        imap - map something in Insert mode
        nmap - map something in Normal mode
        vmap - map something in Visual mode        
        Q<reg> - to record some action to the register - Q - stop recording
        @<reg> - do the action saved in register