This code demonstrates TIFF Image decoding / encoding using nvTIFF library.
Image decoding and encoding from NVTIFF Library
SM 6.0 SM 6.1 SM 7.0 SM 7.2 SM 7.5 SM 8.0
Linux, Windows
- A Linux system with recent NVIDIA drivers.
- Install the CUDA 11.6 toolkit.
- CMake (3.13 or later)
- nvTIFF package
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export CUDACXX=nvcc
$ cmake .. -DNVTIFF_PATH=nvTIFF Library location
# example cmake .. -DNVTIFF_PATH==~/project/cudalibrarysamples-mirror/nvTIFF/libnvtiff
$ make
Usage: nvTiff_example [options] -f|--file <TIFF_FILE>
General options:
--device DEVICE_ID
Specifies the GPU to use for images decoding/encoding.
Default: device 0 is used.
Prints some information about the decoded TIFF file.
Prints this help
Decoding options:
--file TIFF_FILE
Specifies the TIFF file to decode. The code supports both single and multi-image
tiff files with the following limitations:
* color space must be either Grayscale (PhotometricInterp.=1) or RGB (=2)
* image data compressed with LZW (Compression=5) or uncompressed
* pixel components stored in "chunky" format (RGB..., PlanarConfiguration=1)
for RGB images
* image data must be organized in Strips, not Tiles
* pixels of RGB images must be represented with at most 4 components
* each component must be represented exactly with:
* 8 bits for LZW compressed images
* 8, 16 or 32 bits for uncompressed images
* all images in the file must have the same properties
--frame-beg BEG_FRM
Specifies the image id in the input TIFF file to start decoding from. The image
id must be a value between 0 and the total number of images in the file minus 1.
Values less than 0 are clamped to 0.
Default: 0
--frame-end END_FRM
Specifies the image id in the input TIFF file to stop decoding at (included).
The image id must be a value between 0 and the total number of images in the
file minus 1. Values greater than num_images-1 are clamped to num_images-1.
Default: num_images-1.
--memtype TYPE
Specifies the type of memory used to hold the TIFF file content: pinned or
pageable. Pinned memory is used if 'p' is specified. Pageable memory is used if
'r' is specified. In case of pinned memory, file content is not copied to
device memory before the decoding process (with a resulting performance impact)
unless the option -c is also specified (see below).
Defualt: r (pageable)
Specifies to copy the file data to device memory in case the -m option specifies
to use pinned memory. In case of pageable memory this option has no effect.
Default: off.
--decode-out NUM_OUT
Enables the writing of selected images from the decoded input TIFF file into
separate BMP files for inspection. If no argument is passed, only the first
image is written to disk, otherwise the first NUM_OUT images are written.
Output files are named outImage_0.bmp, outImage_1.bmp...
Defualt: disabled.
Encoding options:
This option enables the encoding of the raster images obtained by decoding the
input TIFF file. The images are divided into strips, compressed with LZW and,
optionally, written into an output TIFF file.
Default: disabled.
Specifies the number of consecutive rows to use to divide the images into
strips. Each image is divided in strips of the same size (except possibly the
last strip) and then the strips are compressed as independent byte streams.
This option is ignored if -E is not specified.
Default: 1.
Specifies the initial estimate of the maximum size of compressed strips. If
during compression one or more strips require more space, the compression is
aborted and restarted automatically with a safe estimate.
This option is ignored if -E is not specified.
Default: the size, in bytes, of a strip in the uncompressed images.
Enables the writing of the compressed images to an output TIFF file named
This option is ignored if -E is not specified.
Defualt: disabled.
Sample example output on GV100, Ubuntu 16.04, CUDA 11.6
$ ./nvTiff_example -E -f ../images/bali_notiles.tif
Using GPU:
0 (Quadro GV100, 80 SMs, 2048 th/SM max, CC 7.0, ECC off)
Decoding 1, RGB 725x489 images [0, 0], from file ../images/bali_notiles.tif... done in 0.000328 secs
Encoding 1, RGB 725x489 images using 1 rows per strip and 2175 bytes per strip... done in 0.002686 secs (compr. ratio: 3.30x)