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Authoring Theia Extensions

As an example, we are going to add a menu item Say hello that displays a notification "Hello world!". This article is guiding you through all the necessary steps.

Theia’s Architecture

A Theia app is composed of so called extensions. An extension provides a set of widgets, commands, handlers, etc. for a specific functionality. Theia itself ships a number of extensions, e.g. for editors, terminals, the project view etc. Each extension resides in its own npm package.

Theia defines a plethora of contribution interfaces that allow extensions to add their behaviour to various aspects of the application. Just search for interfaces with the name *Contribution to get an idea. An extension implements the contribution interfaces belonging to the functionality it wants to deliver. In this example, we are going to implement a CommandContribution and a MenuContribution. Other ways for extensions to interact with a Theia application are via one of the various services or managers.

In Theia, everything is wired up via dependency injection. An extension defines one ore more dependency injection modules. This is where it binds its contribution implementations to the respective contribution interface. The modules are listed in the package.json of the extension package. An extension can contribute to the frontend, e.g. providing a UI extension, as well as to the backend, e.g. contributing a language server. When the application starts, the union of all these modules is used to configure a single, global dependency injection container on each, the frontend and the backend. The runtime will then collect all contributions of a specific kind by means of a multi-inject.


You’ll need node in version 8:

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 8

and yarn

npm install -g yarn

Also make sure your python --version points to a Python 2.x installation.

Project Layout

We are going to create a monorepo (a repository containing multiple npm packages) named theia-hello-world-extension containing three packages: hello-world-extension, browser-app and electron-app. The first contains our extension, the latter two the Theia applications to run our extension in browser and electron mode. We are going to use yarn instead of npm, because it allows to structure such monorepos into workspaces. In our case, each workspace contains its own npm package. Common dependencies of these packages are 'hoisted' by yarn to their common root directory. We are also going to use lerna to run scripts accross workspaces.

To ease the setup of such a repository we have created a code generator to scaffold the project. It will also generate the hello-world example. Run it using

npm install -g yo generator-theia-extension
mkdir theia-hello-world-extension
cd theia-hello-world-extension
yo theia-extension hello-world

Let's have look at the generated code now. The root package.json defines the workspaces, the dependencies to lerna, typescriptand `rimraf and some scripts to rebuild the native packages for browser or electron.

  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "lerna run prepare",
    "rebuild:browser": "theia rebuild:browser",
    "rebuild:electron": "theia rebuild:electron"
  "devDependencies": {
    "lerna": "2.4.0",
    "rimraf": "latest",
    "typescript": "latest"
  "workspaces": [
    "hello-world-extension", "browser-app", "electron-app"

We also got a lerna.json file to configure lerna:

  "lerna": "2.4.0",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "useWorkspaces": true,
  "npmClient": "yarn",
  "command": {
    "run": {
      "stream": true

Implementing the Extension

Next let's look at the generated code for our extension in the hello-world-extension folder. Let’s start with the package.json. It specifies the package’s metadata, its dependencies to the (bleeding edge) theia core package, a few scripts and dev dependencies, and the theia-extensions.

The keyword theia-extension is important: It allows a Theia app to identify and install Theia extensions from npm.

  "name": "hello-world-extension",     
  "keywords": [
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "files": [
  "dependencies": {     
    "@theia/core": "next"
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "yarn run clean && yarn run build",
    "clean": "rimraf lib",
    "build": "tsc",
    "watch": "tsc -w"
  "theiaExtensions": [
      "frontend": "lib/browser/hello-world-frontend-module"

The last property theiaExtensions is where we list the JavaScript modules that export the DI modules defining the contribution bindings of our extension. In our case, we only provide a frontend capability (a command and a menu entry). Analogously, you could also define contributions to the backend, e.g. a language contribution with a language server.

In the frontend module we export a default object that is a InversifyJS ContainerModule with bindings for a command contribution and a menu contribution.

export default new ContainerModule(bind => {
    // add your contribution bindings here

A command is a plain data structure defining an ID and a label. The behaviour of a command is implemented by registering a handler to its ID in a command contribution. The generator has already added a command and a handler that shows a "Hello World!" message.

export const HelloWorldCommand = {
    id: 'HelloWorld.command',
    label: "Shows a message"

export class HelloWorldCommandContribution implements CommandContribution {

        @inject(MessageService) private readonly messageService: MessageService,
    ) { }

    registerCommands(registry: CommandRegistry): void {
        registry.registerHandler(, {
            execute: (): any => {
      'Hello World!');
                return null;
            isEnabled: () => true

Note how we use @inject in the constructor to get the MessageService as a property, and how we use that later in the implementation of the handler. This is the elegance of dependency injection: As a client, we neither care where these dependencies come from nor what their lifecycle is.

To make it accessible by the UI, we implement a MenuContribution, adding an item to the Search/Replace section of the edit menu in the menu bar.

export class HelloWorldMenuContribution implements MenuContribution {

    registerMenus(menus: MenuModelRegistry): void {
        ], {
                label: 'Say Hello'

Executing the Extension In the Browser

Now we want to see our extension in action. For this purpose, the generator has created a package.json in the folder browser-app. It defines a Theia browser application with a couple of statically included extensions, including our hello-world-extension. All remaining files in this directory have been auto-generated by yarn calling the theia-cli tool during the build, as defined in the scripts section.

  "name": "browser-app",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "@theia/core": "next",
    "@theia/filesystem": "next",
    "@theia/workspace": "next",
    "@theia/preferences": "next",
    "@theia/navigator": "next",
    "@theia/process": "next",
    "@theia/terminal": "next",
    "@theia/editor": "next",
    "@theia/languages": "next",
    "@theia/markers": "next",
    "@theia/monaco": "next",
    "@theia/typescript": "next",
    "hello-world-extension": "0.1.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@theia/cli": "next"
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "theia build",    
    "start": "theia start",
    "watch": "theia build --watch"
  "theia": {
    "target": "browser"

Now we have all pieces together to build and run the application. To run the browser app, enter:

cd browser-app
yarn start <path to workspace>

and point your browser to http://localhost:3000. Then choose Edit > Say Hello from the menu: A message "Hello World!" should pop up.

Executing the Extension In Electron

The package.json for the Electron app looks almost the same, except for the name and the target property.

  "name": "electron-app",
  "theia": {
    "target": "electron"

Before running the electron app, you additionally have to rebuild some native modules:

yarn rebuild:electron
cd electron-app
yarn start <path to workspace>

Deploying the Extension

If you want to make your extension publicly available, we recommend to publish it to npm. This can be achieved by calling yarn publish from the extension package's directory. Of course you need a valid account for that.