- Plugin Hook
- Optional
is the hook that implements basic row selection. For more information on row selection, see Row Selection
The following options are supported via the main options object passed to useTable(options)
initialState.selectedRowIds: Object<rowId: Boolean>
- Optional
- Defaults to
- If a row's ID is set to
in this object, it will have a selected state.
manualRowSelectedKey: String
- Optional
- Defaults to
- If this key is found on the original data row, and it is true, this row will be manually selected
autoResetSelectedRows: Boolean
- Defaults to
- When
, theselectedRowIds
state will automatically reset if any of the following conditions are met:data
is changed
- To disable, set to
- For more information see the FAQ "How do I stop my table state from automatically resetting when my data changes?"
- Defaults to
The following values are provided to the table instance
toggleRowSelected: Function(rowPath: String, ?set: Bool) => void
- Use this function to toggle a row's selected state.
- Optionally pass
to set it to that state
toggleAllRowsSelected: Function(?set: Bool) => void
- Use this function to toggle all rows as select or not
- Optionally pass
to set all rows to that state
getToggleAllRowsSelectedProps: Function(props) => props
- Use this function to get the props needed for a select all checkbox.
- Props:
onChange: Function()
style.cursor: 'pointer'
checked: Bool
title: 'Toggle All Rows Selected'
isAllRowsSelected: Bool
- Will be
if all rows are selected. - If at least one row is not selected, will be
- Will be
selectedFlatRows: Array<Row>
- The flat array of rows that are currently selected
The following additional properties are available on every prepared row
object returned by the table instance.
isSelected: Bool
- Will be
if the row is currently selected
- Will be
isSomeSelected: Bool
- Will be
if the row has subRows and at least one of them is currently selected
- Will be
toggleRowSelected: Function(?set)
- Use this function to toggle this row's selected state.
- Optionally pass
to set it to that state
getToggleRowSelectedProps: Function(props) => props
- Use this function to get the props needed for a select row checkbox.
- Props:
onChange: Function()
style.cursor: 'pointer'
checked: Bool
title: 'Toggle Row Selected'