This document describes how to use Perses to reduce a program written in a language which Perses does not have built-in support.
To use this adhoc language support in Perses, the user needs to prepare the following two things:
The grammar of the language written in Antlr.
The grammar needs to be specified in Antlr. The grammar file can be a single, combined grammar, or separate lexer and parser grammars.
The description of the language in a YAML file.
The following shows an example of such a YAML file
.--- name: "cpp" extensions: - "c" - "cpp" - "cc" - "h" defaultCodeFormatControl: "ORIG_FORMAT" origCodeFormatControl: "ORIG_FORMAT" allowedCodeFormatControl: - "SINGLE_TOKEN_PER_LINE" - "ORIG_FORMAT" - "COMPACT_ORIG_FORMAT" defaultFormatterCommands: - command: "clang-format" defaultFlags: - "-i"
Now we can use the following commands to generate a JAR file
readonly PARSER_GRAMMAR_FILE="Parser.g4" # Assume the current directy has a file named Parser.g4
readonly OPTIONAL_LEXER_GRAMMAR_FILE="Lexer.g4" # This is optional. Assume the current directory has "Lexer.g4"
readonly START_RULE_NAME="compilationUnit" # The start rule of the grammar
readonly LANGUAGE_KIND_YAML_FILE="language_kind.yaml"
readonly IDENTIFIER_TOKEN_NAMES="IDENTIFIER" # The name of the token type Identifier
readonly PACKAGE_NAME="org.perses.grammar.adhoc.mygrammar" # Name your own package
readonly OUTPUT_JAR="my_grammar.jar"
bazelisk build //src/org/perses/grammar/adhoc:perses_adhoc_installer_deploy.jar
java -jar bazel-bin/src/org/perses/grammar/adhoc/perses_adhoc_installer_deploy.jar \
--parser-grammar "${PARSER_GRAMMAR_FILE}" \
--lexer-grammar "${OPTIONAL_LEXER_GRAMMAR_FILE}" \
--start-rule "${START_RULE_NAME}" \
--token-names-of-identifiers "${IDENTIFIER_TOKEN_NAMES}" \
--package-name "${PACKAGE_NAME}" \
--language-kind-yaml-file "${LANGUAGE_KIND_YAML_FILE}" \
--output "${OUTPUT_JAR}"
Now the generated JAR file pointed by OUTPUT_JAR
should be created if the command
run successfully.
With the generated JAR file, now you can run Perses to reduce programs written in the new language specified in your grammar.
bazelisk build //src/org/perses:perses_deploy.jar
java -jar bazel-bin/src/org/perses/perses_deploy.jar \
--input-file <the input file to be reduced> \
--test-script <the script which specifies the property> \
--language-ext-jars "${OUTPUT_JAR}"