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JSON serialization Howto


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write.

It is a text format, which is also easy to parse and generate. There are plenty of libraries in different programming languages, which support JSON so that it is perfect for interchanging data.

Cxxtools has a serialization system which supports JSON. With little effort it is easy to convert C++ data structures to JSON and back. In the serialization system a intermediate data format independent data structure cxxtools::SerializationInfo is used.

JSON structure

JSON data is built from 3 entity types:

  • scalars like numbers and strings
  • collections of name value pairs
  • ordered list of values

The values of collections or lists may be also be complex values like other collections or lists.

Cxxtools serialization

Since C++ do not support reflection, so that a library could just ask the object for its members, the developer has to help cxxtools a little. This is done by defining special operators, which convert a user defined object into a cxxtools::SerializationInfo and back.

Lets look at an example. We have defined a struct with the name Configuration and want to convert it into JSON and read it back. The struct looks like this:

struct Configuration
  std::string encoding;
  std::vector<std::string> plugIns;
    int length;
    bool useSpace;
  } indent;

We now define a serialization operator like that:

void operator<<= (cxxtools::SerializationInfo& si, const Configuration& config)
  si.addMember("encoding") <<= config.encoding;
  si.addMember("plug-ins") <<= config.plugIns;
  cxxtools::SerializationInfo& sii = si.addMember("indent");
  sii.addMember("length") <<= config.indent.length;
  sii.addMember("use_space") <<= config.indent.useSpace;

And a deserialization operator:

void operator>>= (const cxxtools::SerializationInfo& si, Configuration& config)
  si.getMember("encoding") >>= config.encoding;
  si.getMember("plug-ins") >>= config.plugIns;
  const cxxtools::SerializationInfo& sii = si.getMember("indent");
  sii.getMember("length") >>= config.indent.length;
  sii.getMember("use_space") >>= config.indent.useSpace;

Now we are ready to convert a C++ structure of that type into json. Lets try it out using this little program:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // create a configuration object:
    Configuration config;
    config.encoding = "UTF-8";
    config.indent.length = 3;
    config.indent.useSpace = true;

    // serialize to json
    cxxtools::JsonSerializer serializer(std::cout);
    serializer.beautify(true);   // this makes it just nice to read
  catch (const std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

We need of course a bunch of includes for that:

#include <iostream>
#include <cxxtools/jsonserializer.h>
#include <cxxtools/serializationinfo.h>

When we copy everything together and compile, link into jsonwrite and run the program, we get that output:

        "encoding": "UTF-8",
        "plug-ins": [
        "indent": {
                "length": 3,
                "use_space": true

Which is nicely formatted JSON.

I used this command to compile it:

g++ -o jsonwrite -lcxxtools jsonwrite.cpp

To read the JSON structure back into C++ we use this little program:

#include <cxxtools/jsondeserializer.h>
#include <cxxtools/serializationinfo.h>
#include "configuration.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // define a empty config object
    Configuration config;

    // read json configuration struct from stdin:
    cxxtools::JsonDeserializer deserializer(std::cin);

    // print configuration
    std::cout << "encoding=" << config.encoding << '\n'
              << "plugIns=";
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < config.plugIns.size(); ++n)
      std::cout << config.plugIns[n] << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n'
              << "indent.length=" << config.indent.length << '\n'
              << "indent.useSpace=" << config.indent.useSpace << '\n';
  catch (const std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

I already added the needed includes here. I assume, the structure is defined in the header configuration.h.

The program reads a JSON structure from standard input and prints the content to standard output. We compile and link that into jsonread:

g++ -o jsonread -lcxxtools jsonread.cpp

When running both processes like that:

./jsonwrite | ./jsonread

We can see the configuration structure.

Cxxtools extensions to JSON

JSON is borrowed from JavaScript but has compared to that some limitations, which make writing JSON objects somewhat more cumbersome. Hence cxxtools accept some extensions, which are quite common in other JSON implementations as well. Note that cxxtools always writes valid JSON but accept JSON with those extension.

The extensions are:

  • Single line C++ style comments are accepted. Text, which starts with two slashes (//) is ignored until the end of line.
  • Multi line C style comments are accepted as well. Sections starting with /* are ignored until */
  • Keys in structures which start with a character and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores do not need to be enclosed in quotes.