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Quick explainer of what web3 notifications are, who can trigger them, its different types etc

Push Notification for Web3

Any successfully created channel, in its active state, can send notifications to its subscribers about a wide range of things related to defi, governance proposals, web3 news, or any other crucial updates about their protocol/services.

Notifications land in the inbox of those users who are subscribed to the channel. Non-subscribers of a particular channel aren't alerted about notifications from that channel as they land in their spam box.

Who can Send Notifications?

As per the current design of the protocol, there can be 3 main actors who can send notifications:

1. Channel Owners: The owners of a particular channel can send notifications to their subscribers.

2. Delegate Notification Senders: Channel owners can allow any particular wallet address to send notifications on behalf of his/her channel. This feature is called delegated notifications and you can read more about it in this section 👉

3. Notifications To Yourself: The Push Communicator allows any address to send notifications to themselves 😃 It’s important to note, however, that the address sends the notification to themselves only.

{% hint style="info" %} Note:

Sending notifications is a gasless transaction and therefore notification senders need not pay any gas fee while sending notifications via the Dapp.

Gas Fees are only applicable when on-chain notifications are triggered directly from smart contracts. {% endhint %}

Now that you have a brief overview of notifications in the protocol, let's understand and explore the different ways to send notifications to your users.

How to Send Notifications?

{% content-ref url="../../developer-guides/sending-notifications/" %} sending-notifications {% endcontent-ref %}

{% content-ref url="../../developer-guides/sending-notifications/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

{% content-ref url="../../developer-guides/sending-notifications/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

How to Receive Notifications?

{% content-ref url="../../developer-guides/receiving-notifications/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

{% content-ref url="../../developer-guides/receiving-notifications/" %} receiving-notifications {% endcontent-ref %}

Learn more about Notification

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