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+# Documentation Style Guide
+This document provides guidance on writing user documentation for Turbot's public sites, including:
+ - https://turbot.com/pipes/docs
+ - https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs
+ - https://steampipe.io/docs
+ - https://powerpipe.io/docs
+ - https://flowpipe.io/docs
+## General
+- Usually, write in the second person (you). Tutorials may occasionally use 3rd person plural to feel collaborative (`Let's get started`, etc).:
+ - Good:
+ - `You can save a snapshot by clicking the camera icon`
+ - `Click the camera icon to save a snapshot`
+ - `Let's get started`
+ - Bad:
+ - `One may save a snapshot by clicking the camera icon`
+ - `A user can click the camera icon to save a snapshot`
+- Stay in markdown where possible; use HTML only where necessary:
+ - prefer `![](/link/to/img)` over ``.
+ - You may need to use the `` tag to specify an image size for an image that is not full screen (like a modal), but for full-screen images, use markdown and don't specify the size.
+ - use HTML `
` only when you absolutely have to, because all the nested elements then have to be HTML - you cant use markdown inside an HTML table like you can in a markdown table.
+- Prefer example-driven guides and tutorials where people can learn by doing.
+ - Use progressive disclosure - start with a simple, executable/completable example, then get progressively more complex.
+ - Where possible, let the example explain the concept.
+- Turn word wrap on in your editor and rely on it for wrapping text instead of putting linefeeds in yourself.
+ - Grammar checkers and syntax highlighting get confused when linefeeds occur in expected places.
+ - People edit on different screen sizes.
+## File Names & Directory structure
+- File names, directory names, and slugs should be kebab-case; URLs should use dashes (`-`) instead of underscores (`_`).
+ - [Google recommends hyphens](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/url-structure) for SEO reasons.
+ - This includes **all** file and directory names for consistency (even images).
+- In general, place files in a directory structure that matches the site structure and sidebar navigation.
+ - Avoid using the `slug` in the frontmatter in favor of relying on the file and directory naming.
+ - The directory structure should usually follow the sidebar hierarchy.
+- Store screenshot images in the same directory as the markdown files that use them.
+ - This approach implies a directory for *every* page that uses screenshots, and that screenshots are no re-used across pages.
+- Store shared images (icons, etc) in the `/images` directory at the root of the repo.
+## Navigation bar
+- Use [Title Case](https://capitalizemytitle.com/style/AP/) for sidebar items.
+- The navigation bar title should usually match the page title.
+- The file path name (and, therefore, the slug) should match the navigation bar. For example, if you have a markdown page titled “Install TE,” the file name should be `install-te`, thus the slug would be `install-te`, so the the URL would be something like `https://www.example.com/install-te.`.
+## Page Structure
+Generally, each page should start with an h1 (`#`) that matches the page `title` and `sidebar_label` from the metadata, followed by a brief overview.
+### Overview
+- The overview should not have its own title - no `## Overview` section header
+- The overview is usually only a paragraph or two but may link to other sections.
+- Now that we are linking to the section headers from the auto-generated `On This Page`, avoid creating an index via table or bullets in the overview.
+ - Reference docs are an exception to this rule. Often, a table of the command/var/etc with a brief description makes sense in reference documentation (e.g., https://powerpipe.io/docs/reference/cli/benchmark)
+### Frontmatter
+- Include `title` and `sidebar_label`. Usually, they should usually be the same:
+ ```yaml
+ ---
+ title: Install TE
+ sidebar_label: Install TE
+ ```
+- Avoid using the `slug` in the frontmatter in favor of relying on the file and directory naming.
+- Generally, use AP Title case for the title and sidebar label.
+ - Exceptions for items in reference documentation when titles are commands, environment variables, etc, that are case sensitive, for example:
+ - [CLI reference](https://powerpipe.io/docs/reference/cli)
+ - [Environment variable reference](https://powerpipe.io/docs/reference/env-vars)
+ - [HCL reference](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl)
+## Headers
+- Every page should have a single h1 (`#`) that generally should match the metadata `title` and `sidebar_label` exactly (including case).
+- Subsequent sub-headers should start at h2 (`##`).
+- Sub-headers should be **Title Case**.
+## Bullets
+- Text in bulleted lists (and in table columns) should end with a period (`.`) if the items in the list are sentences or sentence fragments (because once you add a second sentence, you need the period):
+ ```md
+ This sentence:
+ - is a sentence fragment.
+ - is a sentence fragment followed by another sentence. This is the other sentence.
+ ```
+- If the bulleted list is just "items", no period is required:
+ ```md
+ Elements:
+ - card
+ - chart
+ - query
+ - control
+ ```
+## Tables
+- Use HTML `` only when you absolutely have to:
+ - All the nested elements then have to be HTML - you can't use markdown inside an HTML table like you can in a markdown table.
+ - Sometimes the markdown table formatting is insufficient, and there is no choice, usually when columns wrap weird.
+- Follow the guidance in the [bullets](#bullets) section regarding periods.
+## Images
+- Use markdown image syntax (`![](/my/image.png`) instead of `` tag where possible.
+- Follow the suggested [guidance for screenshots](#screenshots).
+## Links
+- Hyperlink to relevant docs, but don't repeat the same link from the same section as it makes the text hard to read.
+ - Good:
+ > Powerpipe makes it easy to create your own [controls](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/control) and [benchmarks](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/benchmark). This allows you to define the controls that are important to you and your organization, and organize them into benchmarks that reflect your standards and practices.
+ - Bad:
+ > Powerpipe makes it easy to create your own [controls](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/control) and [benchmarks](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/benchmark). This allows you to define the [controls](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/control) that are important to you and your organization, and organize them into [benchmarks](https://powerpipe.io/docs/powerpipe-hcl/benchmark) that reflect your standards and practices.
+## Examples and Instructions
+In Guides, How To's etc:
+- **Bold** website element labels, e.g.,
+ - Select **Launch product** (Button)
+ - Select **Update** (It's a Button here)
+- Use `backticks` when referring to the text, e.g.,
+ - Enter `my-volume` in the **Name** field
+- Use `backticks` when referring to code elements, CLI commands, etc.
+ - For example, "use the `--var` flag to pass a variable."
+ - This includes constants like CloudFormation states, etc. `CREATE_COMPLETE`, `CREATE_FAILED`.
+- Use code bocks (3 backticks) for commands instead of inlining them when providing examples and instructions. You can inline them when talking about them generally or informally, eg: "Powerpipe benchmarks automatically appear as dashboards when you run `powerpipe server` in the mod."
+## Code Blocks
+- Specify code block type (`json`, `hcl`, `sql`, `bash`, etc) for syntax highlighting.
+- Use the standard indenting/formatting we use for the given language (e.g., 2 spaces for tab, align HCL after the `=`, etc.).
+ ```json
+ {
+ "foo": "bar"
+ }
+ ```
+ ```hcl
+ image {
+ src = "https://steampipe.io/images/steampipe_logo_wordmark_color.svg"
+ alt = "Powerpipe Logo"
+ width = 2
+ }
+ ```
+## Blockquote Call-Outs (i.e., Tip, Note, Important, Warning & Caution)
+Use the extended [GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax#alerts) blockquote call-out types where appropriate
+> [!NOTE]
+> Used to call out information worth highlighting.
+> Highlights crucial information that is necessary for success.
+> Contains details that the reader must be aware of to avoid issues.
+> Can include warnings, prerequisites, or important clarifications.
+> [!TIP]
+> Offers helpful advice or best practices.
+> Focuses on enhancing the reader’s experience or efficiency.
+> Often contains optional but helpful advice.
+> Presented as an extra or nice-to-know piece of information.
+> Highlights critical information that users should not overlook.
+> Alerts users to urgent issues or actions that may cause problems.
+> Used to warn users about potential risks or negative outcomes.
+## Screenshots
+- Use light mode for screenshots.
+- Screenshots should be PNG images.
+- Full-page screenshots should not have a border.
+- Modal dial screenshots should show the border because they are not full-width.
+- Don't show the whole browser window - omit the toolbar, status bar, etc, and only show the active pane.
+- Most screenshots should capture the entire active window area. The recommended size is **1280p** x **640p**. The vertical height may be adjusted if you need to display information that would not appear at that height, but the width should always be 1280.
+### Device
+- Mac laptops are the most common device in Turbot, and are generally preferred when taking screenshots. Use the following display settings:
+ - Apple XDR Display (P3-1600 nits)
+ - Default resolution 1512x982
+- If not using a Mac, take the screenshot on a 14" laptop (or something close) and follow the same [directions](#how-to-take-screenshot).
+### How to take screenshot
+- Use Chrome with 100% zoom.
+- Resize the window:
+ - Open `Developer Tools`.
+ - Resize your window until it's **1280p** x **640p** (you can view the pixels in the top right of your window while you're resizing it).
+ - Note that the size displayed by Developer Tools represents the size of the active content, and closing the `Developer Tools` would expand the width/height of the of the active content to fill the space it currently occupies. Retain developer tools on the right side of the browser to make sure the width **1280p** is maintained. See the image below where the red highlighted portion is fixed at **1280p** but the vertical height has been adjusted to show information which would not be rendered within recommended height of **640p**.
+- Take a screenshot of the browser area you want to capture. You can use the Mac screenshot app tool to capture the screen using `Command` + `Shift` + `5`; the highlighter can be set to the desired width of **1280p** and height of **640p**.
+- When you take a screen capture:
+ - Always include the full width of the browser window in the screenshot unless the screenshot is only for a modal dialog.
+ - You may vary the vertical height from the recommended size (640p) to include enough to let users find the elements on their screen easily.
+ - For example: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/llm-experimentation-at-scale-using-amazon-sagemaker-pipelines-and-mlflow/
+ - Modal windows can be shown alone.
+### Annotations
+Annotations may be used to mark up screenshots in order to provide more precise instructions. Annotations should be reserved for step-wise, instructional content such as [Turbot Guardrails Guides](#writing-turbot-guardrails-guide).
+There are two types of screenshot annotations:
+- [Arrows](#arrows) are primarily used to highlight inactive (non-clickable) content.
+- [Ovals](#ovals) are used to show where an action should be performed (click a button, tab, etc.)
+You can add annotations with [ksnip](https://github.com/ksnip/ksnip).
+#### Arrows
+- Use arrows to point to non-clickable content.
+- Leave a gap between the arrow and the target (button).
+- Arrows should **never** be pointing vertically north/south; they should always be diagonal at 45 degrees. The arrow may face either direction depending on the content position.
+- Use an arrow when there is a possibility of ovals overlapping any buttons or text beside it.
+- On Mac, use a width of `8`, no shadow.
+- On non-Mac screens, use width `16`, no shadow.
+#### Ovals
+- Use **Ovals** to show where the action is to be performed (clicking a button, tab, dropdown, etc.)
+- Leave a gap around the target (text).
+- On Mac, use a width of `5`, red border, no fill, no shadow
+- On non-Mac screens, use width `10`, red border, no fill, no shadow
+#### Redacting content
+Sometimes you may need to redact sensitive content. To do so, you may blur or pixelate the region on the screen. Generally, we prefer **pixelate** to **blur**.
+- Pixelate - 10 weight (Not in use for now)
+- Blur - 18 weight
+# Writing Turbot Guardrails Guides
+- Section titles should be 5 words or less.
+- Each section should start with a command, e.g., **Launch**, **Create**, **Access**.
+- Use `select` when selecting something on screen or `choose` when choosing something from a list/drop down.
+- Terms should be linked to the glossary the first time they are used except for the "in this guide, you will" bullets.
+## Guide Sections
+Each guide will have the following sections:
+1. An [overview](#guide-overview)
+2. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+3. One of more [Steps](#step-sections), conccluding with **Monitor** and **Review** steps
+4. [Next Steps](#next-steps)
+5. [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
+### Guide Overview
+The overview should apprear immediately after the page title; do not include a `## Overview` header.
+1. State what the user will do with this guide (what you'll do).
+2. Provide any additional overview (what is this).
+3. Provide 1 to 2 sentences (as long as it explains) about `why does it matter`.
+### Prerequisites
+List any prerequisites with appropriate links
+### Step Sections
+- Each step should have its own h2 header.
+- The header format is `Step {number}: Step Title`.
+ - As always, use title case in the header.
+ - The step title should begin with a verb.
+ - examples:
+ - [`Step 1: Access AWS Console`](https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/guides/hosting-guardrails/installation/install-te#step-1-access-aws-console)
+ - [`Step 2: Navigate to Products`](https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/guides/hosting-guardrails/installation/install-te#step-2-navigate-to-products)
+ - [`Step 3: Find Version`](https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/guides/hosting-guardrails/installation/install-te#step-3-find-version)
+- Include a **Monitor** step to inform the user how they can monitor the progress or view the status of the operation.
+ - Example: [`Step 7: Monitor Installation`](https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/guides/hosting-guardrails/installation/install-te#step-7-monitor-installation)
+- The final step should be a **Review** step. This should state what should have occurred, as well as a checklist of items to review and verify everything was run successfully.
+ - Example: [`Step 8: Review`](https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/guides/hosting-guardrails/installation/install-te#step-8-review)
+### Next Steps
+- Provide links to related guides, Guardrails documentation, or any external reference documentation.
+ - Example: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/configuration-language/test#next-steps
+### Troubleshooting
+Use tabular format e.g.
+| Issue | Description | Guide
+| Permission Issues | If the current logged-in user lacks permission to modify, update, or create resources in the stack, or if IAM roles or SCPs have changed, preventing built-in roles from accessing needed configuration settings. | [Troubleshoot Permission Issues](/guardrails/docs/enterprise/FAQ/admin-permissions#aws-permissions-for-turbot-guardrails-administrators)
+| Further Assistance | If you continue to encounter issues, please open a ticket with us and attach the relevant information to assist you more efficiently. | [Open Support Ticket](https://support.turbot.com)