This is a project for the Public Transportation in Armenia to help people find the appropriate Transports for their route by searching or viewing all the transportations and their details and also allows users to rate a specific Transport,leave a review, like a review and add comments to it. The goal of this project is to improve the quality of public transportation by allowing the users to leave reviews and get a better reach. The information regarding to the transportation type, number and route are being constantly checked and updated using CELERY.
Project is written in Django 4.1.6 and Python 3.
Create, Update, Delete Tranportations for Superuser
Rate, Review, Like, Comment
Google Authentication
User Registration(Username/Email), Login, Password Change and Reset Through Email
Celery, Redis
Web Scrapper and PDF Extractor for Transport Information
PostgreSQL Database
Clone the repository from GitHub:
$ git clone [email protected]/USERNAME/{{ project_name }}.git
Activate the virtualenv for your project.
Install project dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then simply apply the migrations:
$ python migrate
To be able to use the Google Authentication run the server as shown below and navigate to
$ python runserver_plus --cert-file cert.crt
To use the Celery task, run Celery Worker and Celery Beat:
$ celery -A final_project worker -B -l info