Using this Setup you can:
- Deploy ACR
- Get ACR information
- Delete ACR
- Azure subscription
- Landing Zone
- Azure CLI - az
- Environment Variables
# Required Environment Variables
# Define if not defined or override the values of required environments variables.
# You can write them in a file and run "source ${filename}" for reuse.
export RESOURCE_GROUP=demok8singress # AKS resource group
export REGION_NAME=westeurope
export ACR_NAME=acr123ZYX #
# Set Azure login method
# Options: interactive, device, serviceprincipal, managedidentity
export AZLOGINTYPE=interactive
# If serviceprincipal is selected, then first create a service principal with proper role and set SP_APPID SP_PASSWD AADTENANT variables
# Reference:
# export AZLOGINTYPE=serviceprincipal
# export SP_APPID=******
# export SP_PASSWD=******
# export AADTENANT=******
## Make executable
chmod +x ./
## To see available options
./ help
## Deploy ACR
# Notice: Running deploy requires owner role for authentication identity which may require additional permissions for serviceprincipal azure login method. Try interactive login as a quick workaround with a owner user
./ deploy
## Review ACR info
./ status
## Delete ACR
./setup erase