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Release Process

okram edited this page May 25, 2012 · 10 revisions

This document describes the release process used when releasing a stable version of a TinkerPop product.

  1. Update CHANGELOG.textile with release date and logo.
    1. Copy CHANGELOG.textile over to the respective Release Notes wiki.
  2. Update Wiki <dependency/> references with latest <version/> number.
  3. Update pom.xml with latest <version/> number.
    1. Projects may have a hard coded version as a public static String.
  4. Uncomment maven-gpg-plugin XML stub in pom.xml.
  5. mvn clean install deploy (this will deploy to SonaType staging).
  6. mvn javadoc:javadoc (for aggregate projects, use mvn javadoc:aggregate).
  7. Upload JavaDoc to respective
  8. git commit and git push the stable codebase.
  9. git tag -a -m "..." x.y.z and git push --tags.
    1. Review the tags to ensure the -m message has the same look and feel as the others.
  10. For distributions, upload the target/ to the Downloads page.
    1. Make sure the description has the same look and feel as the others.
  11. Log into SonaType and close the release.
    1. If all is successful, then release the release.
    2. Central Repo syncs with SonaType approximately every 2 hours.

All the information regarding SonaType/Central Repo can be found at this location. This documentation is very thorough and, if followed in a step-by-step fashion (don’t skip a step), then releasing works great. Note that since TinkerPop is already an accepted project by SonaType, the steps above are all that are needed though the document has some great pointers for example, information on maven-gpg-plugin.

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