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Wallpapers of Footprint series from Smartisan 锤子足迹系列壁纸

1571-12-27 约翰内斯·开普勒出生 Brithday of Johannes Kepler
1869-11-04 英国科学杂志《自然》出版 Nature's first publish
1846-10-16 人类首次公开使用乙醚 Ether's first use
1843-10-16 数学家汉密尔顿发现四元数 Quaternion discovered by mathematician William Hamilton in 1843
1917-10-31 世界最后一次成功的骑兵冲锋 Last great cavalry charge
1902-11-26 麦当劳创办人出生 Birthday of Richard McDonald & Maurice McDonald
1803-11-29 多普勒出生 Brithday of Christian Doppler
1957-11-03 第一只进入地球轨道的狗 First dog to be launched into Earth orbit
1973-10-20 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院建成 Sydney Opera House founded
1768-12-6 《大英百科全书》出版 First publish of The Encyclopædia Britannica
1887-08-12 薛定谔诞生 Brithday of Erwin Schrödinger
1958-08-29 迈克尔·杰克逊诞生 Birthday of Michael Jackson
1890-09-15 阿加莎·克里斯蒂诞生 Birthday of Agatha Christie
1884-10-13 本初子午线 Prime Meridian adopted
1848-05-23 滑翔机之父李林塔尔出生 Birthday of Otto Lilienthal, the "flying man"
1984-06-06 电子游戏《俄罗斯方块》发布 Release date of Tetris
1960-06-16 《惊魂记》在美国首演 Psyco's initial release date
1898-06-17 画家埃舍尔出生 Birthday of Maurits Cornelis Escher
1900-06-29 《小王子》作者出生 Birthday of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince
1928-07-07 切片面包被发明 Sliced bread was first sold
1969-07-20 人类首次登上月球 First land on Moon
1895-11-08 首次发现X射线 Date of X-ray was discovered
1945-12-06 微波炉面世 Microwave was invented
1935-11-30 伍迪·艾伦出生 Birthday of Woody Allen
1787-11-18 照相机发明者达盖尔出生 Brithday of Louis Daguerre, father of photography
1989-12-17 动画片《辛普森一家》首播 First episode date of The Simpsons
1831-12-27 达尔文开始五年的环球旅行 The round-the-world voyage by Charles Darwin started
1877-11-21 爱迪生宣布发明留声机 Phonograph invented by Thomas Edison
1605-01-16 《唐吉诃德》出版 Original publish date of Don Quixote
1958-08-25 世界第一份方便面问世 Instant noodles were invented
1885-11-29 戴勒姆发明摩托车 Motocycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler
1998-09-04 Google生日 Birthday of Google
1890-09-09 肯德基创始人哈兰·山德士诞辰 Birthday of Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC
1985-09-13 《超级马里奥兄弟》面世 First publish date of Super Mario Bros
1982-09-19 历史上第一个网络表情符号诞生 First smiley emoticon was used
1994-09-22 老友记首播 First air date of Friends
1961-09-26 鲍勃迪伦首次公开演出 Bob Dylan's first public performance
1928-09-28 弗莱明发现青霉素 Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming
1959-10-07 人类首次拍摄到月球背面 Far side of the Moon was photographed
2001-10-12 告别宝丽来 Bye, Polaroid
1969-10-21 杰克·凯鲁亚克去世 Jack Kerouac died
1879-10-22 世界上第一盏电灯诞生 World's first light bulb was invented
2001-10-23 第一代iPod发布 First generation of iPod was released
1929-11-07 纽约现代艺术博物馆(MOMA)创建 MoMa was founded
1989-11-09 推倒柏林墙 Fall of the Berlin Wall
1970-11-17 道格拉斯发明鼠标获得专利 Douglas Engelbart invented computer mouse and earned patent
1859-11-24 达尔文《物种起源》出版 Charles Darwin’s On The Origin of Species was published
1835-12-01 安徒生出版第一部童话集 First publish of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales
1911-12-14 人类首次到达南极点 The first ever expedition to reach the Southern Pole
1914-12-24 圣诞节休战 Christmas truce