Quickfix and location list management for Neovim.
- Automatically open quickfix and location list
- Automatically close list when empty
- Close location list when parent window is destroyed
- Automatically shrink lists to the number of items
- Toggle list
- Open and Toggle without losing focus
- Follow cursor and select nearest entry
- Navigate location list relative to cursor
- Wrapping navigation
- Save and load lists
- Clear lists
- Automatically close the location list when quickfix list opens, saving space
- Open list at the very bottom of the screen rather than at the bottom of current split
- Automatically open or close list on window leave and enter
- Make list regroup to window on split
- Close other location list when quickfix opens and vice verse
- Pretty print list entries
- Telescope integration
qf.nvim offers many customization options to suit your workflow.
The plugin uses the default builtin quickfix list and location list and only
extends it, which means all builtin behaviour and plugins are compatible, such
as :cclose
, :cnext
, :copen
, :grep
, :make
, vim.diagnostic.set_qflist
etc. For :make
, there exists an asynchronous name based build system called
( recipe.nvim )[https://github.com/ten3roberts/recipe.nvim], which integrates
directly with qf.nvim for added functionality such as error tallying.
use {
config = function()
Plug 'ten3roberts/qf.nvim'
lua require'qf'.setup{}
qf.nvim exposes a lua api and Ex commands.
Most functions require a first parameter list to specify which list to act on. Either 'c','qf', or 'quickfix' for affecting the quickfix list, or 'l','loc','location' for affecting the location list.
If a value of 'visible' is given, it will use the currently visible list type, or the quickfix window as a fallback.
Ex commands are prefixed with either Q
, L
or V
for which list to use
See (qf.nvim)[./doc/qf.txt
for more details.
Unlike :cnext
and :cprev
, :Qnext
and :Qprev
will not navigate to valid entries which contain file names, as well
as wrapping.
, :Qabove
, :Lbelow
, Labove
, etc will navigate to the next or previous entry relative to the cursor.
However, unlike :cabove
it will cross buffer boundaries.
A list can be save with Qsave
and if no name is given it will use the list name, which is usually the command used.
will open a menu to select and restore a previous list.
If you use the qf.set
api the previous list will automatically be saved.
nnoremap <leader>lo <cmd>lua require'qf'.open('l')<CR> " Open location list
nnoremap <leader>lc <cmd>lua require'qf'.close('l')<CR> " Close location list
nnoremap <leader>ll <cmd>lua require'qf'.toggle('l', true)<CR> " Toggle location list and stay in current window
nnoremap <leader>co <cmd>lua require'qf'.open('c')<CR> " Open quickfix list
nnoremap <leader>cc <cmd>lua require'qf'.close('c')<CR> " Close quickfix list
nnoremap <leader>cl <cmd>lua require'qf'.toggle('c', true)<CR> "Toggle quickfix list and stay in current window
nnoremap <leader>j <cmd>lua require'qf'.below('l')<CR> " Go to next location list entry from cursor
nnoremap <leader>k <cmd>lua require'qf'.above('l')<CR> " Go to previous location list entry from cursor
nnoremap <leader>J <cmd>lua require'qf'.below('c')<CR> " Go to next quickfix entry from cursor
nnoremap <leader>K <cmd>lua require'qf'.above('c')<CR> " Go to previous quickfix entry from cursor
nnoremap ]q <cmd>lua require'qf'.below('visible')<CR> " Go to next entry from cursor in visible list
nnoremap [q <cmd>lua require'qf'.above('visible')<CR> " Go to previous entry from cursor in visible list
Configuration is done by passing a table to setup.
Quickfix list and locations lists are configured separetely with keys 'c' and 'l'
Default setup:
require 'qf'.setup {
-- Location list configuration
l = {
auto_close = true, -- Automatically close location/quickfix list if empty
auto_follow = 'prev', -- Follow current entry, possible values: prev,next,nearest, or false to disable
auto_follow_limit = 8, -- Do not follow if entry is further away than x lines
follow_slow = true, -- Only follow on CursorHold
auto_open = true, -- Automatically open list on QuickFixCmdPost
auto_resize = true, -- Auto resize and shrink location list if less than `max_height`
max_height = 8, -- Maximum height of location/quickfix list
min_height = 5, -- Minimum height of location/quickfix list
wide = false, -- Open list at the very bottom of the screen, stretching the whole width.
number = false, -- Show line numbers in list
relativenumber = false, -- Show relative line numbers in list
unfocus_close = false, -- Close list when window loses focus
focus_open = false, -- Auto open list on window focus if it contains items
-- Quickfix list configuration
c = {
auto_close = true, -- Automatically close location/quickfix list if empty
auto_follow = 'prev', -- Follow current entry, possible values: prev,next,nearest, or false to disable
auto_follow_limit = 8, -- Do not follow if entry is further away than x lines
follow_slow = true, -- Only follow on CursorHold
auto_open = true, -- Automatically open list on QuickFixCmdPost
auto_resize = true, -- Auto resize and shrink location list if less than `max_height`
max_height = 8, -- Maximum height of location/quickfix list
min_height = 5, -- Minimum height of location/quickfix list
wide = false, -- Open list at the very bottom of the screen, stretching the whole width.
number = false, -- Show line numbers in list
relativenumber = false, -- Show relative line numbers in list
unfocus_close = false, -- Close list when window loses focus
focus_open = false, -- Auto open list on window focus if it contains items
close_other = false, -- Close location list when quickfix list opens
pretty = true, -- Pretty print quickfix lists
silent = false, -- Suppress messages like "(1 of 3): *line content*" on jump