Gameplay will have day and night
Once the player touches the time piece, the game will turn into "night" mode and time will start to reverse. The player must exit the level before the background music "ends"
Get the time piece and come back to where u started
A tile is a small, square piece of land that cannot move. Some tiles can interact with the player
- Non-interactables
- Wall
- Floor (includes one way floors)
- Piston (Basically a wall or a floor)
- Reactive to environment
- Pressure Plate
A tile entity can easily be thought as a "movable tile"
They can be on top of tiles. One tile can only have one entity.
- Player
- Boxes
- Wooden boxes
- Iron boxes
- Slabs (movable boxes but being able to pass)
- Mechanics
- Switch
The grid will handle the recording part
These are enemies that will kill you. Think like a Goomba or Koopa Troopa. Their coordinates are not integers but they have to have predictable AI.
The grid contains every information about the tiles and entities. It also handles the movement of the player and interactable tiles
Each tile will be 64x64
Use WASD or arrow keys to move the player
To move a box, just go in front of it and move (cannot push if there is a wall behind)
order: bottom, top left, top right, center, bottom left, bottom right, top
The ability to extract the flow of time and store it as a fluid
The ability to speed up and slow down the flow of time
The ability to absorb the energy of the reality
The ability to combine all the pieces of time
The ability to project the flow of time into the future
The ability to manipulate space-time
The ability to effect the entire universe with the 6 time pieces