Welcome to the changelog for this site! This is mostly for my purposes, but it’s a fun Easter egg for the rest of you.
I update this whenever I make a larger change or set of changes, such as adding a new feature/page, or altering the structure or programming of the site significantly. Smaller changes will go unremarked upon here—if you are really curious, check out the public repo on GitHub for all my commits.
Add a changelog to my sites!
Major redesign of my site using Tailwind CSS.
My entire website is now powered by a Flask-based CMS of my own design.
Deployed new blog software, written using Flask.
Redesign of my main site. The blog remains on the old design until I can finish writing new blog software.
My main site is now powered by Symphony CMS, though the blog is still powered by my custom VSNS software.
Site-wide redesign featuring my socks and sandals avatar as a vertical banner. I also moved the site to my first paid hosting provider.
My website is now powered by a custom-made CMS called VSNS, written in PHP.
*[CMS]: Content Management System *[PHP]: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor *[VSNS]: Very Simple News System