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Datashare - Multicast Client - Examples


This documentation provides examples for the Datashare Multicast Client (DMC). The Setup section will configure your environment for the Examples below.


The DMC service configuration and setup documentation will configure your GCP project environment and a GKE cluster to run the demo examples.

Enable APIs

These are the GCP project APIs that require the DMC service authorization.

Service Account

The DMC service is a trusted application that makes authorized API calls to your GCP project service(s). The application requires a GCP service account with the appropriate permissions enabled. These permissions have been aggregated into a custom role that is associated to a service account.

Setup Service Account

Set your PROJECT_ID if you have not already:

export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)'`; echo $PROJECT_ID

Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME environment variable(s):

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=ds-multicast-client;

Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC environment variable(s):

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC="Datashare Multicast Client";

Create the custom Datashare API service-account:

gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --display-name "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DESC}";

Grant the GCP service role to service account:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \

Configure Service Account Secret

Create service account credentials and download them:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}.json \

Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable(s):


Create Pub/Sub Topic

A Pub/Sub Topic with the appropriate service account permissions is required for the DMC Service.

Set your TOPIC_NAME if you have not already:

export TOPIC_NAME=ds-multicast-demo-broadcast;

Create the Topic:

gcloud pubsub topics create ${TOPIC_NAME}

Set the permissions for the service account:

gcloud beta pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding ${TOPIC_NAME} --member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} --role='roles/editor'

Create Pub/Sub Subscription:

A Pub/Sub Subscription is utilzed for the Worker (pull) to process multicast messages from the DMC service's Pub/Sub topic. This use-case would be for exposing the multicast Pub/Sub topic to a specific customer or end-user. You can create a separate service account(s) for consumption, but for this tutorial, we will use the same one created above.

Set your PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME if you have not already:

export PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=ds-multicast-demo-listener;

Create the Subscription:

gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create ${PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME} --topic ${TOPIC_NAME}

Set the IAM policy for the Subscription:

gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions add-iam-policy-binding ${PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME} --member=serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} --role='roles/pubsub.subscriber'

List the subscriptions for the topic:

gcloud beta pubsub topics list-subscriptions ${TOPIC_NAME}

Setup Kubernetes

These instructions are to setup a GKE cluster, a managed k8s environment, via the gcloud SDK

Note: You can also setup a GKE cluster via the GCP console.

Set your CLUSTER_NAME environment variable:

export CLUSTER_NAME=dmc-demo

Set your ZONE environment variable:

Note: If you specify a region name instead of zone name for the ZONE environment variable, it will result in X nodes in each zone of the region.

export ZONE=us-central1-c

Create a GKE cluster via gcloud CLI and verify the instances are created:

gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --zone ${ZONE} \
  --machine-type=n2-standard-8 \
  --num-nodes 1 \
  --cluster-version=1.15 \

Enable cluster-admin-binding clusterrolebinding in the cluster:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
  --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account);

Create a kubernetes secret with the appropriate service account key file from above:

Note: Change the file path to the appropriate destination. Secrets management for multiple k8s clusters is outside the scope of this example.

kubectl create secret generic dmc-service-creds --from-file=key.json=${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}


The examples are currently executed in a single-node, isolated Kubernetes (GKE) environment.

Note: Currently, GCP VPC networking does not support multicast layer 2 across instances so you will need to run the examples in an isolated environment.

alt text

The Hello World example will utilize two DMC services to simlulate the multicast to unicast flow. gcloud will be utilized as the consumer to subscribe and pull the messages from the Pub/Sub topic.

The Replay Messages example will utilize tcpreplay to replay an existing pcap file to simlulate the multicast to unicast flow.

For both demos, the following three roles are defined below:

  1. The producer will simulate sending multicast message(s) to a multicast receiver (publisher).\
  2. The publisher will receive the multicast message(s) and send to a Pub/Sub topic.\
  3. The consumer will consume the message(s) via Pub/Sub subsription via gcloud.


Kubernetes (GKE)

If using GKE, get the latest credentials for the cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --zone ${ZONE}

Skaffold >= v1.6.0 is also required to deploy the application to GKE:

skaffold version

Hello World

We will start one k8s deployment(s) for the Pub/Sub publisher and one k8s job for the multicast producer.

Pub/Sub Publisher

Modify the DMC Publisher service ConfigMap with your appropriate GCP variables: PROJECT_ID, TOPIC_NAME

Note: The publisher requires ADC by mounting your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS k8s secret created above.

vi kubernetes-manifests/dmc-publisher-service/configmaps.yaml

Multicast Producer

Modify the DMC producer job image name accordingly:

vi kubernetes-manifests/dmc-producer-job/job.yaml

Modify the DMC producer job ConfigMap with a unique MESSAGE variable:

Note: The ADDRESS variable is set to the service name of the publisher service so the sample message gets routed properly bwtween GKE nodes. e.g. dmc-publisher-service:50000. You can only broadcast a message to a multicast group, e.g., in GKE if the producer is on the same node as the publisher.

vi kubernetes-manifests/dmc-producer-job/configmaps.yaml


Open another terminal and tun the following command(s) to pull the messages from the Pub/Sub subscription:

while ((1)); do gcloud alpha pubsub subscriptions pull ${PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME} --auto-ack; sleep 1; done

Run the Demo:

Deploy the application and tail the logs:

skaffold run -p hello-world -t dev --tail

Note: You can also deploy via kubectl directly too. You will need to wait for the services to start before viewing the logs:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/dmc-publisher-service

kubectl get po,svc,deploy

kubectl logs -f -l app=dmc-publisher-service

Send a sample message:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/dmc-producer-job

Check the logs of the publisher above and you should see Message published to topic...

Note: You may see multiple messages depending on if a multicast group is the destination and the number of pod replicas are running for the deployment.

You can delete the job artifacts and apply again to send another message(s):

kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifests/dmc-producer-job && kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/dmc-producer-job


skaffold delete -p hello-world

Replay Messages

For this example, we replay a multicast stream with tcpdump using a public pcap file from IEX Trading. The tcplreplay k8s job initiatlly downloads this sample pcap files and unzips into a shared volume for the tcpreplay service. The -D option for tcpreplay replaces the destination multicast group address, the -r to replace the port number, and -t option will send the feed as fast as possible. We will start one k8s deployment(s) for the Pub/Sub publisher and one k8s job for the tcpreplay multicast producer.

Pub/Sub Publisher

Modify the DMC Publisher service ConfigMap with your appropriate GCP variables and at least 5MB read buffer (5242880): PROJECT_ID, TOPIC_NAME, READ_BUFFER

Note: The publisher requires ADC by mounting your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS k8s secret created above.

vi kubernetes-manifests/dmc-publisher-service/configmaps.yaml

Multicast Producer

Modify the tcpreplay job ConfigMap with the same ADDRESS:PORT variables as above for the publisher.

Note: tcpreplay-edit cannot lookup the IPv4/IPv6 for the service name of the publisher service, so the ADDRESS variable is set to the multicast group, e.g. You can only broadcast a message to a multicast group in GKE if the producer is on the same node as the publisher. A Daemon Set or node affinity for one publisher service POD per node would theoretically solve the high-availability aspect for broadcasting.

vi kubernetes-manifests/tcpreplay-job/configmaps.yaml


Open another terminal and tun the following command(s) to pull the messages from the Pub/Sub subscription:

while ((1)); do gcloud alpha pubsub subscriptions pull ${PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME} --auto-ack; sleep 1; done

Run the Demo:

Deploy the application and tail the logs:

skaffold run -p replay-messages -t dev --tail

Note: You can also deploy via kubectl directly too. You will need to wait for the services to start before viewing the logs:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/dmc-publisher-service

kubectl get po,svc,deploy

kubectl logs -f -l app=dmc-publisher-service

Start the replay messages:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/tcpreplay-job

Check the logs of the publisher above and you should see Message published to topic... many times.

Note: You may see multiple messages depending on if a multicast group is the destination and the number of pod replicas are running for the deployment.

You can delete the job artifacts and apply again to send another message(s):

kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifests/tcpreplay-job && kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/tcpreplay-job


skaffold delete -p replay-messages


These are vairous troubleshooting steps that you may encounter during the demos.

Services fail to start:

If you receive this error when checking the k8s pod, add the SA credential k8s secret in the setup here:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "google-cloud-key" : secret "dmc-service-creds" not found

kubectl describe `kubectl get pods --selector=app=dmc-publisher-service`

Cannot connect to the GKE cluster:

If you cannot connect kubectl to the GKE cluster, verify the kubectl context and get new GKE credentials:

Verify you are using the correct k8s context:

kubectl config get-contexts

Rectrive new credentials from GKE:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME} --zone ${ZONE}

Purge the Pub/Sub subscription

If you want to purge the Pub/Sub subscription, run the following command:

Note: This command is non-reversable!

gcloud pubsub subscriptions seek ${PULL_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME} --time=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)


You can leverage netcat or the DMC broadcast command to test. e.g.


Run through a for loop and send 5 UDP packets:

Note: Change the IP address/FQDN and port number accordingly

for i in {0..5}; do echo "sending message $i"; echo "hello world: $i" | nc -u localhost 50001 -w1; done

Docker Commands:

docker run -it --rm --name listener multicast listen -a -i eth0 -r 2097152 -v

docker run -it --rm --name producer -v "${PWD}":"${PWD}" williamofockham/tcpreplay:4.3.0 tcpreplay-edit -i eth0 -D -r 10378:9999 -C -t ${PWD}/temp/data_feeds_20180127_20180127_IEXTP1_DEEP1.0.pcap

docker run -it --rm --name publisher -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/tmp/key.json -v ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}:/tmp/key.json multicast publish -p ${PROJECT_ID} -t ${TOPIC_NAME} -a -i eth0 -r 5242880

tcpdump syntax:

tcpdump -n -s0 -vv -X -e udp port 50000


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Chris Page - Initial work