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Language experiment involving concatenation, stacks and arrays, inspired by APL and Forth. The name nd is a shorthand for n-dimensional, and follows the tradition of un-Googleable array language names.

Built-in Words


  • _ Print the top stack value.

Control flow

  • if Conditionally evaluate the next code based on the truthiness of the top stack element. If falsy, continue from next then.
  • then Marker to identify branch end.
  • do Repeat the following word n times, where n is the value of the top stack element.

Boolean operators

  • and Logical and between top two stack elements. If each element has multiple values, perform element-wise and.
  • or Logical or between top two stack elements. If each element has multiple values, perform element-wise _or.

All boolean operators repeat the top stack element, so [ 1 0 1 ] 1 v evaluates to [ 1 1 1 ].


  • eql Test value-wise equality between top two stack elements.

Arithmetic operators

  • + Value-wise addition between top two stack elements.
  • - Value-wise subtraction between top two stack elements.
  • * Value-wise multiplication between top two stack elements.
  • / Value-wise division between top two stack elements.

All arithmetic operators repeat the top stack element, so [ 1 2 3 ] 1 + evaluates to [ 2 3 4 ].

In-element manipulation

  • cat Concatenate top stack element to the following stack element.
  • trm Transmute the top stack element into individual elements.
  • len Push the length of the top stack element onto the stack.

Stack manipulation

  • dup Duplicate top stack element.
  • pop Pop top stack element.
  • swp Swap the top two stack elements.
  • rot Move the bottom stack element to the top.
  • clr Clear the stack.
  • clr1 Clear all but the top stack element.


  • : Start word definition.
  • ; End word definition.
  • [ Start element definition. If element only contains a single value, the brackets can be omitted.
  • ] End element definition.