Name | Type | Description | Notes |
slug | str | The identifier of the SQL query | [optional] |
last_runtime | float | Number of seconds this query took to run the most recent time it was run | [optional] |
run_count | int | Number of times this query has been run | [optional] |
browser_limit | int | Maximum number of rows this query will display on the SQL Runner page | [optional] |
sql | str | SQL query text | [optional] |
last_run_at | str | The most recent time this query was run | [optional] |
connection | DBConnectionBase | Connection this query uses | [optional] |
model_name | str | Model name this query uses | [optional] |
creator | UserPublic | User who created this SQL query | [optional] |
explore_url | str | Explore page URL for this SQL query | [optional] |
plaintext | bool | Should this query be rendered as plain text | [optional] |
can | dict(str, bool) | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |