A lot of these tools are very complex if you don't know them in detail. The most important part of this workshop was starting the process of a design contribution to these OSS issues.
Your work and insight can now be used to improve many OSS tools and help OSS projects become ready for design contributions.
A contribution doesn't have to be BIG to be a very good contribution - comments, discussion, ideas and sketches can be awesome contributions too - don't be hard on yourself if you have a short or simple contribution as your first contribution or future contributions. The important thing is that you are involved and helping improve the OSS :).
For this workshop we are recommending:
- Spend time understanding the OSS tool you work on as a group. Look at the isses we suggest working on. You can follow the example and guidance on how to turn a 'developer' sounding issue into a design issue.
- Understand user needs from the User Research we've made available
- Decide in your group what kind of design contribution to make to the OSS project. You can use any of our templates of suggested design contributions or you can come up with your own if you want.
- Make sure at the end of the workshop you tell the OSS projects what you've done!. Your contribution is invisible unless you talk about it publicly! We recommend making a comment on the issue for the OSS that you were responding to in your groups.
- Talk about your design contribution to other designers! We recommend the g0v Slack channel for designers.
- New users may not be aware of how they can exercise their data and privacy rights or users may also forget this over time, hence, making this information available at various touch-points is important to keep users aware of their privacy related consent and choices. https://gitlab.com/censorship-no/ceno-browser/-/work_items/74
- Add a set of crawled websites on Ceno homepage https://gitlab.com/censorship-no/ceno-browser/-/issues/104 Ceno crawls and creates a backup of a few websites that risk being blocked or censored in some regions so that users can access that content.
Ceno design file hosted on Figma: https://www.figma.com/design/oD6VqcXp80pAq2Y9ympccK/ceno?node-id=0-1&t=aGebG5btCSdLGr0T-1
- When activists and human rights advocates want to share URLs they can often be in a time sensitive situation. Some URLs contain tracking codes on them when copied from other platforms and services and we'd like to make sure users know what these are, how to remove them and why. https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/1429 Connected to this issue is also the issue of notifying users when media is shared directly (or indirectly) from a chat session.https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/1441 & https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/602
- Users in extreme and risky circumstances often delete and start new chats, with new user names or log off and delete apps like Session for periods of time where they may have their device searched or seized. Helping session users recover their previous chats via a unique code and username is critical UX - how can we better communicate and facilitate this in the application? https://github.com/oxen-io/session-android/issues/1348
- How can users looking at long texts and references get a clear picture of the thread and specifically differentiate two references cofacts/rumors-site#360
- How to improve analytics views of Cofacts for understanding and comprehension of what the 'viewership' of readers are?cofacts/rumors-site#332 https://g0v.hackmd.io/yEp9JJtHSyK18bxCQV4dUg#Analytics
Cofacts Design files in Figma - hosted by Cofacts: https://www.figma.com/design/zpD45j8nqDB2XfA6m2QskO/Cofacts-website?node-id=0-1&t=iWGK09hRRoqsLAqm-0