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S7comm Client

import client

root@kali:~/Desktop/temp/isf# python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Mar  1 2015, 18:22:53)
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from icssploit.clients.s7_client import S7Client

Init Client

>>> target = S7Client(name="test", ip="", rack=0, slot=3)
>>> target.connect()

Get Target info

>>> order_code, version, module_type_name, as_name, module_name, serial_number = target.get_target_info()
>>> order_code
'6ES7 412-2EK06-0AB0'
>>> version
'V 6.0.3'
>>> module_type_name
'CPU 412-2 PN/DP'
>>> as_name
'S7-400 station_1'
>>> module_name
>>> serial_number

Get Target CPU Status

>>> target.get_target_status()
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in stop mode

Start Target CPU

# use `target.start_target(cold=True)` if you want doing cold restart. 
>>> target.start_target()
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in stop mode
[INFO    ][s7_client.start_target] Trying to start targets
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in run mode
>>> target.get_target_status()
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in run mode

Stop Target CPU

>>> target.stop_target()
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in run mode
[INFO    ][s7_client.stop_target] Trying to stop targets
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in stop mode
>>> target.get_target_status()
[INFO    ][s7_client.get_target_status] Target is in stop mode

Check Target CPU Protect level

# When target with no protect.
>>> target.check_privilege()
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 1
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You have full privilege with this targets

# When target with Read protect.
>>> target.check_privilege()
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 2
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You only have read privilege with this targets

Auth session with password

>>> target.check_privilege()
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 2
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You only have read privilege with this targets

# auth with wrong password
>>> target.auth("2")
[INFO    ][s7_client.auth] Start authenticate with password 2
[ERROR   ][s7_client.auth] Got error code: Incorrect password entered (0xd602)
[ERROR   ][s7_client.auth] Authentication failure
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 2
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You only have read privilege with this targets

# auth with correct password
>>> target.auth("1")
[INFO    ][s7_client.auth] Start authenticate with password 1
[INFO    ][s7_client.auth] Authentication succeed
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 2
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You have full privilege with this targets
>>> target.check_privilege()
[INFO    ][s7_client._get_cpu_protect_level] CPU protect level is 2
[INFO    ][s7_client.check_privilege] You have full privilege with this targets

Upload block from target

# Upload OB1 block from target
>>> block_data = target.upload_block_from_target(block_type='OB', block_num=1)
[INFO    ][s7_client.upload_block_from_target] Start upload OB1 from target
[INFO    ][s7_client.upload_block_from_target] Upload OB1 from target succeed
>>>>>> block_data

Download block to target

# Download OB1 block to target (this block data is example, please use correct block data to downlaod)
>>> block_data = 'pp\x01\x01\x02\x08\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xb4\x00......\x00\x00\x00'
>>> target.download_block_to_target(block_data)
[INFO    ][s7_client.download_block_to_target] Start download OB1 to targets
[INFO    ][s7_client.download_block_to_target] Download OB1 to target succeed

Read/Write var

Read var

The parameter of read_var is a list of read_item items, each read_item contain four parameter area_type,address, data_type, count.

area_type parameter which block(area) you want to read,: supported block type(you can use both key or value as parameter):

'P': 0x80,      # I/O
'I': 0x81,      # Memory area of inputs
'Q': 0x82,      # Memory area of outputs
'M': 0x83,      # Memory area of bit memory
'DB': 0x84,     # Data block
'L': 0x86,      # Local data
'V': 0x87       # Previous local data

address parameter is the bit offset of block, it's define the start bit address you want to read. There are two method You can set address parameter.

  • BYTE.BIT(str type) - For example "1.0" mean start from second byte and first bit, it's equal to 9th bit(address start with 0).
  • BIT(int type) - directly use bit count, 8 mean start from 9th bit(address start with 0)。

data_type parameter is the data type you want to read. Supported data type(you can use both key or value keyword as parameter): For example 0x01 and "bit" is also mean bit type(case insensitive)

    0x00: "Null (0x00)",
    # Types of 1 byte length
    0x01: "BIT (0x01)",
    0x02: "BYTE (0x02)",
    0x03: "CHAR (0x03)",
    # Types of 2 bytes length
    0x04: "WORD (0x04)",
    0x05: "INT (0x05)",
    # Types of 4 bytes length
    0x06: "DWORD (0x06)",
    0x07: "DINT (0x07)",
    0x08: "REAL (0x08)",
    # Special types
    0x09: "Str (0x09)",
    0x0a: "TOD (0x0a)",
    0x0b: "TIME (0x0b)",
    0x0c: "S5TIME (0x0c)",
    0x0f: "DATE_AND_TIME (0x0f)",
    # Timer or counter
    0x1c: "COUNTER (0x0f)",
    0x1d: "TIMER (0x0f)",
    0x1e: "IEC TIMER (0x0f)",
    0x1f: "IEC COUNTER (0x0f)",
    0x20: "HS COUNTER (0x0f)",

countparameter define how many data you want to read.


# Read bit from M zone at address 1
>>> read_items = [("M", "1.0", "bit", 1)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)

# Read 3 Bytes from DB1 at address 2
>>> read_items = [("DB1", "2.0", "byte", 3)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)
[[10, 20, 30]]

# read 2 Word from M zone at address 10
>>> read_items = [("M", "10.0", "word", 2)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)
[[1, 2]]

# Read 2 Real from M zone at address 20
>>> read_items = [("M", "20.0", "real", 2)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)
[[0.10000000149011612, 1.100000023841858]]

# Read 2 Int from M zone at address 30
>>> read_items = [("M", "30.0", "int", 2)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)
[[100, -100]]

# Read multi var from plc
>>> read_items = [("M", "1.0", "bit", 1), ("DB1", "2.0", "byte", 3), ("M", "10.0", "word", 2), ("M", "30.0", "int", 2)]
>>> target.read_var(read_items)
[1, [10, 20, 30], [1, 2], [100, -100]]

Write var

The parameter of write_var is a list of write_item items, each read_item contain four parameter area_type,address, data_type, data. area_type,address, data_type is same as read_item

data parameter contain list of data your want to write to plc,data type should matching data_type.


# Write bit to M zone at address 1
>>> write_items = [("M", "1.0", "bit", [1])]
# write_var will return a list contain each write var item's return code. 255(0xff) mean success.
>>> target.write_var(write_items)

# Write 3 Bytes to DB1  at address 2
>>> write_items = [("DB1", "2.0", "byte", [10, 20, 30])]
>>> target.write_var(write_items)

# Write 2 Word to M zone at address 10
>>> write_items = [("M", "10.0", "word", [1, 2])]
>>> target.write_var(write_items)

# Write 2 Real to M zone at address 20
>>> write_items = [("M", "20.0", "real", [0.1, 1.1])]
>>> target.write_var(write_items)

# Write 2 Int to M zone at address 30
>>> write_items = [("M", "30.0", "int", [100, -100])]
>>> target.write_var(write_items)

# Write multi var to plc
>>> write_items = [("M", "1.0", "bit", [1]), ("DB1", "2.0", "byte", [10, 20, 30]), ("M", "10.0", "word", [1, 2])]
# write_var will return a list contain each write var item's return code. 255(0xff) mean success.
>>> target.write_var(write_items)
[255, 255, 255]