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Frontier is a full-duplex, open-source long-connection gateway developed in Go. It aims to allow microservices to directly reach edge nodes or clients, and vice versa. It provides full-duplex bidirectional RPC calls, message publishing and receiving, and point-to-point stream functionality for both. Frontier complies with cloud-native architecture, enabling quick deployment of a cluster using Operator, ensuring high availability and elasticity, and easily supporting the requirement of millions of online edge nodes or clients.
- RPC: Microservices and edges can call each other's functions (pre-registered), with load balancing supported on the microservice side.
- Messaging: Microservices and edges can publish to each other's topics, and edges can publish to external MQ topics, with load balancing supported on the microservice side.
- Multiplexing/Streams: Microservices can directly open a stream (connection) on edge nodes, enabling functions like file upload and proxy, turning obstacles into pathways.
- Online/Offline Control: Microservices can register to get edge node IDs, and callbacks for online/offline events. When these events occur, Frontier will invoke these functions.
- Simple API: The project provides well-packaged SDKs in the api directory for both edges and microservices, making development based on this SDK very simple.
- Easy Deployment: Supports various deployment methods (docker, docker-compose, helm, and operator) to deploy Frontier instances or clusters.
- Horizontal Scaling: Provides Frontier and Frontlas clusters. When single instance performance reaches a bottleneck, you can horizontally scale Frontier instances or clusters.
- High Availability: Supports cluster deployment and allows microservices and edge nodes to permanently reconnect using the SDK. In case of current instance failure, it switches to a new available instance to continue services.
- Control Plane Support: Provides gRPC and REST interfaces, allowing operation personnel to query or delete microservices and edge nodes. Deletion will force the target offline.
Frontier Component
- Service End: The entry point for microservice functions, connecting by default.
- Edge End: The entry point for edge node or client functions.
- Publish/Receive: Publishing and receiving messages.
- Call/Register: Calling and registering functions.
- OpenStream/AcceptStream: Opening and accepting point-to-point streams (connections).
- External MQ: Frontier supports forwarding messages published from edge nodes to external MQ topics based on configuration.
Frontier requires both microservices and edge nodes to actively connect to Frontier. The metadata of Service and Edge (receiving topics, RPC, service names, etc.) can be carried during the connection. The default connection ports are:
- :30011: For microservices to connect and obtain Service.
- :30012: For edge nodes to connect and obtain Edge.
- :30010: For operations personnel or programs to use the control plane.
Function | Initiator | Receiver | Method | Routing Method | Description |
Messager | Service | Edge | Publish | EdgeID+Topic | Must publish to a specific EdgeID, the default topic is empty. The edge calls Receive to receive the message, and after processing, must call msg.Done() or msg.Error(err) to ensure message consistency. |
Edge | Service or External MQ | Publish | Topic | Must publish to a topic, and Frontier selects a specific Service or MQ based on the topic. | |
RPCer | Service | Edge | Call | EdgeID+Method | Must call a specific EdgeID, carrying the method name. |
Edge | Service | Call | Method | Must call a method, and Frontier selects a specific Service based on the method name. | |
Multiplexer | Service | Edge | OpenStream | EdgeID | Must open a stream to a specific EdgeID. |
Edge | Service | OpenStream | ServiceName | Must open a stream to a ServiceName, specified by service.OptionServiceName during Service initialization. |
Key design principles include:
- All messages, RPCs, and Streams are point-to-point transmissions.
- From microservices to edges, the edge node ID must be specified.
- From edges to microservices, Frontier routes based on Topic and Method, and finally selects a microservice or external MQ through hashing. The default is hashing based on edgeid, but you can choose random or srcip.
- Messages require explicit acknowledgment by the receiver.
- To ensure message delivery semantics, the receiver must call msg.Done() or msg.Error(err) to ensure delivery consistency.
- Streams opened by the Multiplexer logically represent direct communication between microservices and edge nodes.
- Once the other side receives the stream, all functionalities on this stream will directly reach the other side, bypassing Frontier's routing policies.
In the examples/chatroom directory, there is a simple chatroom example implemented in just 100 lines of code. You can get the executable programs chatroom_service and chatroom_agent by running:
make examples
Run the example:
In this example, you can see features like online/offline notifications and message publishing.
Getting Service on the Microservice Side:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, err := service.NewService(dialer)
// Start using the service
Receiving ID, Online/Offline Notifications on Microservice Side:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer)
svc.RegisterGetEdgeID(context.TODO(), getID)
svc.RegisterEdgeOnline(context.TODO(), online)
svc.RegisterEdgeOffline(context.TODO(), offline)
// The service can assign IDs to edges based on metadata
func getID(meta []byte) (uint64, error) {
return 0, nil
// Edge goes online
func online(edgeID uint64, meta []byte, addr net.Addr) error {
return nil
// Edge goes offline
func offline(edgeID uint64, meta []byte, addr net.Addr) error {
return nil
Microservice Publishing Messages to Edge Nodes:
The edge must be online beforehand, otherwise the edge cannot be found.
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer)
msg := svc.NewMessage([]byte("test"))
// Publish a message to the edge node with ID 1001
err := svc.Publish(context.TODO(), 1001, msg)
// ...
Microservice Declaring Topic to Receive:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
// Declare the topic to receive when getting the service
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer, service.OptionServiceReceiveTopics([]string{"foo"}))
for {
// Receive messages
msg, err := svc.Receive(context.TODO())
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of the service has ended and it can no longer be used
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("receive err:", err)
// After processing the message, notify the caller it is done
Microservice Calling Edge Node RPC:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer)
req := svc.NewRequest([]byte("test"))
// Call the "foo" method on the edge node with ID 1001. The edge node must have pre-registered this method.
rsp, err := svc.Call(context.TODO(), 1001, "foo", req)
// ...
Microservice Registering Methods for Edge Nodes to Call:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer)
// Register an "echo" method
svc.Register(context.TODO(), "echo", echo)
// ...
func echo(ctx context.Context, req geminio.Request, rsp geminio.Response) {
value := req.Data()
Microservice Opening Point-to-Point Stream on Edge Node:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer)
// Open a new stream to the edge node with ID 1001 (st is also a net.Conn). The edge must accept the stream with AcceptStream.
st, err := svc.OpenStream(context.TODO(), 1001)
Based on this newly opened stream, you can transfer files, proxy traffic, etc.
Microservice Receives Stream:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
// Declare the service name when getting the service, required when the edge opens a stream to specify the service name.
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer, service.OptionServiceName("service-name"))
for {
st, err := svc.AcceptStream()
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of the service has ended and it can no longer be used
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Println("accept stream err:", err)
// Use the stream. This stream is also a net.Conn. You can Read/Write/Close, and also use RPC and messaging.
Based on this newly opened stream, you can transfer files, proxy traffic, etc.
Messages, RPC, and Streams Together!:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
// Declare the service name when getting the service, required when the edge opens a stream to specify the service name.
svc, _ := service.NewService(dialer, service.OptionServiceName("service-name"))
// Receive streams
go func() {
for {
st, err := svc.AcceptStream()
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of the service has ended and it can no longer be used
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Println("accept stream err:", err)
// Use the stream. This stream is also a net.Conn. You can Read/Write/Close, and also use RPC and messaging.
// Register an "echo" method
svc.Register(context.TODO(), "echo", echo)
// Receive messages
for {
msg, err := svc.Receive(context.TODO())
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of the service has ended and it can no longer be used
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("receive err:", err)
// After processing the message, notify the caller it is done
func echo(ctx context.Context, req geminio.Request, rsp geminio.Response) {
value := req.Data()
Getting Edge on the Edge Node Side:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
// Start using eg ...
Edge Node Publishes Message to Topic:
The service needs to declare receiving the topic in advance, or configure an external MQ in the configuration file.
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
// Start using eg
msg := eg.NewMessage([]byte("test"))
err := eg.Publish(context.TODO(), "foo", msg)
// ...
Edge Node Receives Messages:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
for {
// Receive messages
msg, err := eg.Receive(context.TODO())
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of eg has ended and it can no longer be used
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("receive err:", err)
// After processing the message, notify the caller it is done
// ...
Edge Node Calls RPC on Microservice:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
// Start using eg
req := eg.NewRequest([]byte("test"))
// Call the "echo" method. Frontier will look up and forward the request to the corresponding microservice.
rsp, err := eg.Call(context.TODO(), "echo", req)
Edge Node Registers RPC:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
// Register an "echo" method
eg.Register(context.TODO(), "echo", echo)
// ...
func echo(ctx context.Context, req geminio.Request, rsp geminio.Response) {
value := req.Data()
Edge Node Opens Point-to-Point Stream to Microservice:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
st, err := eg.OpenStream("service-name")
// ...
Based on this newly opened stream, you can transfer files, proxy traffic, etc.
Edge Node Receives Stream:
package main
import (
func main() {
dialer := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("tcp", "")
eg, _ := edge.NewEdge(dialer)
for {
stream, err := eg.AcceptStream()
if err == io.EOF {
// Receiving EOF indicates the lifecycle of eg has ended and it can no longer be used
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Println("accept stream err:", err)
// Use the stream. This stream is also a net.Conn. You can Read/Write/Close, and also use RPC and messaging.
Error | Description and Handling |
io.EOF | Receiving EOF indicates that the stream or connection has been closed, and you need to exit operations such as Receive and AcceptStream. |
io.ErrShortBuffer | The buffer on the sender or receiver is full. You can adjust the buffer size by setting OptionServiceBufferSize or OptionEdgeBufferSize. |
apis.ErrEdgeNotOnline | This indicates that the edge node is not online, and you need to check the edge connection. |
apis.ServiceNotOnline | This indicates that the microservice is not online, and you need to check the microservice connection information or connection. |
apis.RPCNotOnline | This indicates that the RPC called is not online. |
apis.TopicNotOnline | This indicates that the topic to be published is not online. |
Other Errors | There are also errors like Timeout, BufferFull, etc. |
The Frontier control plane provides gRPC and REST interfaces. Operators can use these APIs to determine the connection status of the current instance. Both gRPC and REST are served on the default port :30010
GRPC SeeProtobuf Definition
service ControlPlane {
rpc ListEdges(ListEdgesRequest) returns (ListEdgesResponse);
rpc GetEdge(GetEdgeRequest) returns (Edge);
rpc KickEdge(KickEdgeRequest) returns (KickEdgeResponse);
rpc ListEdgeRPCs(ListEdgeRPCsRequest) returns (ListEdgeRPCsResponse);
rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse);
rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (Service);
rpc KickService(KickServiceRequest) returns (KickServiceResponse);
rpc ListServiceRPCs(ListServiceRPCsRequest) returns (ListServiceRPCsResponse);
rpc ListServiceTopics(ListServiceTopicsRequest) returns (ListServiceTopicsResponse);
REST Swagger definition can be found at Swagger Definition
For example, you can use the following request to kick an edge node offline:
curl -X DELETE{edge_id}
Or check which RPCs a microservice has registered:
curl -X GET{service_id}
Note: gRPC/REST depends on the DAO backend, with two options: buntdb
and sqlite3
. Both use in-memory mode. For performance considerations, the default backend uses buntdb, and the count field in the list interface always returns -1. When you configure the backend to sqlite3
, it means you have a strong OLTP requirement for connected microservices and edge nodes on Frontier, such as encapsulating the web on Frontier. In this case, the count will return the total number.
If you need to further customize your Frontier instance, you can learn how various configurations work in this section. Customize your configuration, save it as frontier.yaml
, and mount it to the container at /usr/conf/frontier.yaml
to take effect.
To get started, you can simply configure the service listening addresses for microservices and edge nodes:
# Microservice configuration
# Listening network
network: tcp
# Listening address
# Edge node configuration
# Listening network
network: tcp
# Listening address
# Whether to allow Frontier to allocate edgeID if no ID service is registered
edgeid_alloc_when_no_idservice_on: true
TLS configuration is supported for microservices, edge nodes, and control planes. mTLS is also supported, where Frontier verifies the client certificate.
network: tcp
# Whether to enable TLS, default is disabled
enable: false
# Certificates and private keys, multiple pairs of certificates are allowed for client negotiation
- cert: servicebound.cert
key: servicebound.key
# Whether to enable mTLS, client certificates will be verified by the following CA
mtls: false
# CA certificates for verifying client certificates
- ca1.cert
network: tcp
# Whether to enable TLS, default is disabled
enable: false
# Certificates and private keys, multiple pairs of certificates are allowed for client negotiation
- cert: edgebound.cert
key: edgebound.key
insecure_skip_verify: false
# Whether to enable mTLS, client certificates will be verified by the following CA
mtls: false
# CA certificates for verifying client certificates
- ca1.cert
If you need to configure an external MQ, Frontier supports publishing the corresponding topic to these MQs.
# Whether to allow
enable: false
# AMQP addresses
addrs: null
# Producer
# Exchange name
exchange: ""
# Equivalent to Frontier's internal topic concept, array values
routing_keys: null
For AMQP, the above is the minimal configuration. If the topic of the message published by the edge node is in routing_keys
, Frontier will publish to the exchange.
If there are also microservices or other external MQs that declare the topic, Frontier will still choose one to publish based on hashby.
# Whether to allow
enable: false
# Kafka addresses
addrs: null
# Producer
# Array values
topics: null
For Kafka, the above is the minimal configuration. If the topic of the message published by the edge node is in the above array, Frontier will publish it. If there are also microservices or other external MQs that declare the topic, Frontier will still choose one to publish based on hashby.
# Whether to allow
enable: false
# NATS addresses
addrs: null
# Equivalent to Frontier's internal topic concept, array values
subjects: null
# If Jetstream is allowed, it will be prioritized for publishing
enable: false
# Jetstream name
name: ""
# Equivalent to Frontier's internal topic concept, array values
subjects: null
In NATS configuration, if Jetstream is allowed, it will be prioritized for publishing. If there are also microservices or other external MQs that declare the topic, Frontier will still choose one to publish based on hashby.
# Whether to allow
enable: false
# NSQ addresses
addrs: null
# Array values
topics: null
In NSQ's topics, if there are also microservices or other external MQs that declare the topic, Frontier will still choose one to publish based on hashby.
# Whether to allow
enable: false
# Redis addresses
addrs: null
# Redis DB
db: 0
# Password
password: ""
# Equivalent to Frontier's internal topic concept, array values
channels: null
If there are also microservices or other external MQs that declare the topic, Frontier will still choose one to publish based on hashby.
Other Configurations
# Whether to enable PProf
cpu_profile_rate: 0
enable: true
# Resource limits
enable: true
nofile: 102400
# Control plane enable
enable: false
network: tcp
# Supports buntdb and sqlite3, both use in-memory mode to remain stateless
backend: buntdb
# SQLite debug enable
debug: false
# Frontier forwards edge node messages, RPCs, and open streams to microservices based on hash strategy: edgeid, srcip, or random, default is edgeid.
# That is, the same edge node will always request the same microservice.
hashby: edgeid
For more detailed configurations, see frontier_all.yaml.
In a single Frontier instance, you can choose the following methods to deploy your Frontier instance based on your environment.
docker run -d --name frontier -p 30011:30011 -p 30012:30012 singchia/frontier:1.1.0
git clone https://github.com/singchia/frontier.git
cd dist/compose
docker-compose up -d frontier
If you are in a Kubernetes environment, you can use Helm to quickly deploy an instance.
git clone https://github.com/singchia/frontier.git
cd dist/helm
helm install frontier ./ -f values.yaml
Your microservice should connect to service/frontier-servicebound-svc:30011
, and your edge node can connect to the NodePort where :30012
is located.
See the cluster deployment section below.
The additional Frontlas component is used to build the cluster. Frontlas is also a stateless component and does not store other information in memory, so it requires additional dependency on Redis. You need to provide a Redis connection information to Frontlas, supporting redis
, sentinel
, and redis-cluster
- Frontier: Communication component between microservices and edge data planes.
- Frontlas: Named Frontier Atlas, a cluster management component that records metadata and active information of microservices and edges in Redis.
Frontier needs to proactively connect to Frontlas to report its own, microservice, and edge active and status. The default ports for Frontlas are:
for microservices connection, replacing the 30011 port in a single Frontier instance.:40012
for Frontier connection to report status.
You can deploy any number of Frontier instances as needed, and for Frontlas, deploying two instances separately can ensure HA (High Availability) since it does not store state and has no consistency issues.
Frontier's frontier.yaml
needs to add the following configuration:
enable: true
network: tcp
enable: false
interval: 0
# Unique ID within the Frontier cluster
frontier_id: frontier01
Frontier needs to connect to Frontlas to report its own, microservice, and edge active and status.
Frontlas's frontlas.yaml
minimal configuration:
# Microservices connect to this address to discover edges in the cluster
network: tcp
# Frontier connects to this address
network: tcp
# Expiration time for microservice metadata in Redis
service_meta: 30
# Expiration time for edge metadata in Redis
edge_meta: 30
# Support for standalone, sentinel, and cluster connections
mode: standalone
network: tcp
addr: redis:6379
db: 0
Since Frontlas is used to discover available Frontiers, microservices need to adjust as follows:
Microservice Getting Service
package main
import (
func main() {
// Use NewClusterService to get Service
svc, err := service.NewClusterService("")
// Start using service, everything else remains unchanged
Edge Node Getting Connection Address
For edge nodes, they still connect to Frontier but can get available Frontier addresses from Frontlas. Frontlas provides an interface to list Frontier instances:
curl -X GET
You can wrap this interface to provide load balancing or high availability for edge nodes, or add mTLS to directly provide to edge nodes (not recommended).
Control Plane gRPC See Protobuf Definition.
The Frontlas control plane differs from Frontier as it is a cluster-oriented control plane, currently providing only read interfaces for the cluster.
service ClusterService {
rpc GetFrontierByEdge(GetFrontierByEdgeIDRequest) returns (GetFrontierByEdgeIDResponse);
rpc ListFrontiers(ListFrontiersRequest) returns (ListFrontiersResponse);
rpc ListEdges(ListEdgesRequest) returns (ListEdgesResponse);
rpc GetEdgeByID(GetEdgeByIDRequest) returns (GetEdgeByIDResponse);
rpc GetEdgesCount(GetEdgesCountRequest) returns (GetEdgesCountResponse);
rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse);
rpc GetServiceByID(GetServiceByIDRequest) returns (GetServiceByIDResponse);
rpc GetServicesCount(GetServicesCountRequest) returns (GetServicesCountResponse);
Install CRD and Operator
Follow these steps to install and deploy the Operator to your .kubeconfig environment:
git clone https://github.com/singchia/frontier.git
cd dist/crd
kubectl apply -f install.yaml
Check CRD:
kubectl get crd frontierclusters.frontier.singchia.io
Check Operator:
kubectl get all -n frontier-system
apiVersion: frontier.singchia.io/v1alpha1
kind: FrontierCluster
app.kubernetes.io/name: frontiercluster
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kustomize
name: frontiercluster
# Single instance Frontier
replicas: 2
# Microservice side port
port: 30011
# Edge node side port
port: 30012
# Single instance Frontlas
replicas: 1
# Control plane port
port: 40011
# Dependent Redis configuration
- rfs-redisfailover:26379
password: your-password
masterName: mymaster
redisType: sentinel
Save asfrontiercluster.yaml
kubectl apply -f frontiercluster.yaml
In 1 minute, you will have a 2-instance Frontier + 1-instance Frontlas cluster.
Check resource deployment status with:
kubectl get all -l app=frontiercluster-frontier
kubectl get all -l app=frontiercluster-frontlas
pod/frontiercluster-frontier-57d565c89-dn6n8 1/1 Running 0 7m22s
pod/frontiercluster-frontier-57d565c89-nmwmt 1/1 Running 0 7m22s
service/frontiercluster-edgebound-svc NodePort <none> 30012:30012/TCP 8m7s
service/frontiercluster-servicebound-svc ClusterIP <none> 30011/TCP 8m7s
deployment.apps/frontiercluster-frontier 2/2 2 2 7m22s
replicaset.apps/frontiercluster-frontier-57d565c89 2 2 2 7m22s
pod/frontiercluster-frontlas-85c4fb6d9b-5clkh 1/1 Running 0 8m11s
service/frontiercluster-frontlas-svc ClusterIP <none> 40011/TCP,40012/TCP 8m11s
deployment.apps/frontiercluster-frontlas 1/1 1 1 8m11s
replicaset.apps/frontiercluster-frontlas-85c4fb6d9b 1 1 1 8m11s
Your microservice should connect to service/frontiercluster-frontlas-svc:40011
, and your edge node can connect to the NodePort where :30012
is located.
If you find any bugs, please open an issue, and project maintainers will respond promptly.
If you wish to submit features or more quickly address project issues, you are welcome to submit PRs under these simple conditions:
- Code style remains consistent
- Each submission includes one feature
- Submitted code includes unit tests
Released under the Apache License 2.0
A Star ⭐️ would be greatly appreciated