SystemDictator.finalize can be called before step5, which will make step5 not possible to call
SystemDictator contract if important for upgrading to bedrock version. This contract is initialized with some configs and then do step by step upgrade of system.
variable is responsible for storing current step of upgrade. Using step
modifier SystemDictator restricts calls to further steps. Everything should be called step by step.
Also SystemDictator has finalize
function which will transfer ownership of some contracts, such as proxyAdmin, l1CrossDomainMessengerProxy
to finalOwner
. Once it's done, that means that SystemDictator is not owner of that contracts anymore.
doesn't have any step protection, which means that it can be called any time.
In case if it will be called before step5
function, which main task is to upgrade proxyAdmin
with new implementations, that mean that it will be not possible to execute step5
anymore because of transferred ownership, so function will always revert.
As result, deployment will not be finished and protocol will need to transfer ownership back to dictator in order to proceed next.
Upgrading to bedrock can be blocked.
https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2023-01-optimism/blob/main/optimism/packages/contracts-bedrock/contracts/deployment/SystemDictator.sol#L380-L384 https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2023-01-optimism/blob/main/optimism/packages/contracts-bedrock/contracts/deployment/SystemDictator.sol#L277-L319
Manual Review
Restrict call to finalize
function to be possible only after agreed steps.