You should read docs/README. It's pretty short. If you really can't, here's how to hit the ground running:
Compile AFL with
. If build fails, see docs/INSTALL for tips. -
find/write a simple program with input via stdin or a file, processes it and exits. if its a network service - mod it to run in foreground and read stdin. if format uses checksums, remove the verification codes Program must crash when fault is encountered - look for SIGEGV andd SIGABRT handlers and bg processes.
compile via afl-gcc, i.e.
CC=/path/to/afl-gcc CXX=/path/to/afl-g++ ./configure --disable-shared
make clean all
use small and valid input file that is logical to the program. learn about dictionaries and use them in verbose syntax scenarios
If the program reads from stdin, run 'afl-fuzz' like so:
./afl-fuzz -i testcase_dir -o findings_dir --
/path/to/tested/program [...program's cmdline...]
if test program takes input from a file - put "@@" in the program's cmd line. (afl will put in an auto-generated name for you)
investigate anything in RED and consult docs
- docs/README - A general introduction to AFL,
- docs/perf_tips.txt - Simple tips on how to fuzz more quickly,
- docs/status_screen.txt - An explanation of the tidbits shown in the UI,
- docs/parallel_fuzzing.txt - Advice on running AFL on multiple cores.