Installation, scripts can be found
Building a docker file
# When a Dockerfile is found in a repository, build the docker image
docker build -t <tagname> .
- Downloading a docker file
# pull the latest version
docker pull <container name>
# pull a specific version
docker pull <container name>:<verion>
- Running a docker
# listing the docker images
docker images
# running the container
docker run -it <dockername>
- Removing the container
# list the images to find the image ID
docker rmi <imageID> -f
- List running docker instances
docker ps
- Update the Docker when its contents have been altered
docker update
- Run a docker with ports open
docker run --rm -it -p <port on docker container>:<port on docker host> -p <port start>-<port end>:<port start>-<port end> <imageName>
# single port
docker run --rm -it -p 21:21 <imageName>
# continuous multiple ports
docker run --rm -it -p 21:21 -p 4559-4564:4559-4564 <imageName>
- Docker Chear Sheet by wsargent