How understanding the process of finding duplicates in an integer array leads to a good understanding of Bloom filters.
One of the very basic and fundamental question that one codes for in any project is to answer the following question:
Does a given element/object exist in a data-store?
The above question can be read in context of integer arrays or for objects such as checking if a user exists in our system for successful authentication, if a given store item exists (in quantity) for online retail purchase, and so on. As this code piece usually becomes hot (called a lot many times during the usage of the system), the faster we can answer the question above, the faster our overall system would be.
Let's pick up an integer array with N integers. The integers are bounded by the
theory of computing to be between a given range. We can create a bit-array
(also called as bitsets and bit-vectors) of length N. For every integer encountered
within the array, set the bit at the index corresponding to value of integer to
. Once the array iteration and bit-array
population is complete, we can
answer the question of contains
in O(1)
by just checking if the bit at the
index corresponding to integer being checked is true
or false
As integers are bounded, the above works in constant space and time. For example if we have a total of 1 billion numbers, the total space required is 128MB of RAM. If we start using sparsed-bit-arrays, this space can be reduced further.
Now let's consider that instead of integers we had strings to be checked for
presence. The only piece unsolved in this challenge now remains on how to map
strings to integers. If we can devise a way to map strings to integers on a 1:1
basis, our problem is solved.
We know that hashing a string can give us an integer (int
or long
as in Java).
If we hash a given string using a really good hash function (that distributes
strings equally over the entire range space) then we can answer the contains check
with the same probability as the probability of hash-collision of the hash
function chosen.
Thus, our problem of answering contains is solved but with an error probability introduced in. Our methodology can now answer the contains check with the following two conditions:
- The algorithm can tell if an element is not present with 100% confidence
- If the algorithm says that an element is present, there is a slight chance of error
The above data-structure that satisfies the above two rules, and allows us to configure the error probability in lieu of storage space is called a BLOOM FILTER.
As discussed above, the error probability in a bloom filter is as good as the
collision probability of the hash function used. Most of the awesome hash functions
like MD5, Murmur2, Murmur3 etc generate an value greater than the integers 32-bit
storage space. Like Murmur3 generates a 128-bit
If we were to still use the full integer space for storage, we can divide the
above 128-bit
value into 4 32-bit
values. Thus, we can keep 4-different bit-sets
to answer the contains check matching the probability of Murmur3 hash function.
However, this leads to an increase in storage space to 1 GB of RAM
for 1-billion
elements. If we use the same bit-set to mark indexes for the 4 32-bit
values above, the
probability of error increases from that of hash-collision function to approx 4
times (in lay-man computational terms).
This leads us to a choice on the accuracy that we need against the storage space that we need.