help doc.
usage: upload_function.py [-h] [-V] [-v] [-n NEXUS_ENDPOINT] [-p proxy]
[-c CERT_PEM] [-s] [-r] [-D] [-f groovy-script]
[-d data-file]
This program can upload, execute, and delete Groovy scripts to the Nexus
Repository Manager version 3 Script API. From now on, these scripts will be
called "REST functions" or just "functions". This allows for fast and easy
automation. By default, functions will only be uploaded. Additional options
can be specified to execute or delete functions.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbosity Increase output verbosity. Can be specified multiple
times to increase verbosity (5 times for max).
Connection options:
NEXUS_USER and NEXUS_PASSWORD environment variables can be set to
configure authorization. Default: admin:admin123
URL to the Nexus endpoint. It can also be set via
NEXUS_ENDPOINT environment variable. Default:
-p proxy, --proxy proxy
Define a SOCKS5 proxy to proxy traffic. It can also be
set via NEXUS_SOCKS_PROXY environment variable.
-c CERT_PEM, --ca-file CERT_PEM
Path to pinned CA chain in PEM format. Can be self
signed to guarantee secure connection. It can also be
set via NEXUS_CA_FILE environment variable.
Nexus Script API Options:
Uploading a script to a REST function will occur by default. The following
options will either skip or occur after the upload if specified.
-s, --skip-upload Skip uploading the function to Nexus (and proceed to
only run or delete).
-r, --run Run function after uploading it.
-D, --delete Delete REST function from Nexus. Occurs after upload
and run. Can be combined with --run to upload, run,
and delete.
REST Function Options:
-f groovy-script, --function groovy-script
A groovy script to be uploaded as a Nexus function.
The file name (minus the extension) will be the name
of the REST function in Nexus. If --skip-upload option
is specified, then this can simply be the name of the
REST function instead of a path to a Groovy script.
-d data-file, --data data-file
Data file whose contents get submitted to the function
being run. Depends on --run. If more than one function
is specified for upload, then this option is ignored.
Created by Sam Gleske (c) 2018. Apache Standard License v2
Execute an existing REST function only.
upload_function.py -srf someFunction
Upload, Execute, and Delete REST function all in one action.
upload_function.py -Drf path/to/someFunction.groovy
Do the same thing but also pass POST data to the REST function.
upload_function.py -Drf path/to/someFunction.groovy -d path/to/data.txt
Delete all Repository data in a Nexus installation. This includes all repositories, blob stores, and content selectors.
./scripts/upload_function.py -rf ./functions/deleteAllRepositoryConfiguration.groovy -S delete