Title | Key Concepts | Resources | Assignment |
Road-map for Backend Development | Roadmap for Backend Development | ||
Rails for web development | Rails for web development | ||
Introduction | What and Why use Ruby on Rails | What and Why use Ruby on Rails | |
Understanding How Web Works | HTTP and Web Server | Give an real world example of how the communication between host and a client is done in your own words | |
HTTP protocal every web developer must know | |||
Title | Key Concepts | Resources | Assignment |
Install Ruby and RVM if not installed already. What is version control manager and why its needed ? | RVM as ruby VCM | ||
Creating out First Rails application with | Official site | ||
Installing Node js and npm | Installing Node JS | ||
Rails Basics 1.0 | Installing Yarn | Installing Yarn | |
Installing Rails with gem install rails |
Installing Rails | Create a new rails app and start the server. | |
Install Database (sqlite/postgres/mysql) | |||
Understanding Rails project structure | Understanding your rails application Structure | 1. What is a gem and Gemfile in rails ? 2. Add a Rubocop gem to our rails app | |
Rails 6 and above application structure | 3. Add bootstrap in your rails app with webpacker | ||
Assesset Pipeline | |||
Understanding Webpacker | |||
Sp rockets and Webpacker | |||
Understanding MVC architecture | MVC architecture | Write a short introduction about MVC architecture with some real world example in your own words. | |
Title | Key Concepts | Resources | Assignment |
Rails Controllers | Action Controller Official Guide | 1. In your project generate a new User controller using rails generator |
Rails Controller | 2. The controller should have new, index, show, create, update, delete actions/methods. | ||
3. Check all the files that are generated in this process. | |||
Rails Routes | Blog Post | 1. Convert the generated routes to rails way of writing Restful Routes (using resources) | |
Official Guide | 2. Find the difference in the route paths using rails routes in console, after using the resources and without using resources |
Rails Routes | 3. Replace the "Yay! You're on Rails" page with index view of your pages controller. (using root route) | ||
Rails Basics 1.1 | |||
Rails Models | Active Record Basics | 1. Create a User model with different attributes such as full_name, email, age etc 2. Perform the required migration. | |
Active Record Basics official guide | 3. Add some model validations | ||
Active Record Migrations | 4. Use rake seed to generate some fake users. Blog post |
Active Record Validations | 5. Create another model and associate it with the User model. For eg: User can have many types of Contacts | ||
Active Record Associations | |||
Active Record Query Interface | |||
Rails Views | Rails Views | 1. Display/Read the list of all Users in the index views of pages | |
Action View Official Guide | 2. Create a Form so that we can create new Users to the list. | ||
Layouts and Rendering Official Guide | 3. Add a feature to edit the existing user | ||
4. Add a feature to delete the user from the list. | |||
Uploading Files with active storage. | Official guide Using Active Storage in Rails 6 | 1. Add a feature so that user can upload files. |