Use play framework to develop the web application backend/services and frontend using React Create App, all in a totally integrated workflow and single unified console. This approach will deliver perfect development experience without CORS hassle.
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Used any of the following SBT commands which will intern trigger frontend associated npm scripts.
sbt clean # Clean existing build artifacts
sbt stage # Build your application from your project’s source directory
sbt run # Run both backend and frontend builds in watch mode
sbt dist # Build both backend and frontend sources into a single distribution artifact
sbt test # Run both backend and frontend unit tests
- This seed is not using scala play views. All the views and frontend associated routes are served via React code base under
├── /app/ # The backend (scala play) sources (controllers, models, services)
│ └── /controllers/ # Backend controllers
│ └── FrontendController.scala # Asset controller wrapper serving frontend assets and artifacts
├── /conf/ # Configurations files and other non-compiled resources (on classpath)
│ ├── application.conf # Play application configuration file.
│ ├── logback.xml # Logging configuration
│ └── routes # Routes definition file
├── /logs/ # Log directory
│ └── application.log # Application log file
├── /project/ # Contains project build configuration and plugins
│ ├── FrontendCommands.scala # Frontend build command mapping configuration
│ ├── FrontendRunHook.scala # Frontend build PlayRunHook (trigger frontend serve on sbt run)
│ ├── # Marker for sbt project
│ └── plugins.sbt # SBT plugins declaration
├── /public/ # Frontend build artifacts will be copied to this directory
├── /target/ # Play project build artifact directory
│ ├── /universal/ # Application packaging
│ └── /web/ # Compiled web assets
├── /test/ # Contains unit tests of backend sources
├── /ui/ # React frontend source (based on Create React App)
│ ├── /public/ # Contains the index.html file
│ ├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party frontend libraries and utilities
│ ├── /src/ # The frontend source codebase of the application
│ ├── .editorconfig # Define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
│ ├── .gitignore # Contains ui files to be ignored when pushing to git
│ ├── package.json # NPM configuration of frontend source
│ ├── # Contains all user guide details for the ui
│ └── yarn.lock # Yarn lock file
├── .gitignore # Contains files to be ignored when pushing to git
├── build.sbt # Play application SBT configuration
├── LICENSE # License Agreement file
├── # Application user guide
└── ui-build.sbt # SBT command hooks associated with frontend npm scripts
- Frontend build command mapping configuration.
├── /project/
│ ├── FrontendCommands.scala
- PlayRunHook implementation to trigger
npm run start
onsbt run
├── /project/
│ ├── FrontendRunHook.scala
- Asset controller wrapper serving frontend assets and artifacts.
├── /app/
│ └── /controllers/
│ └── FrontendController.scala
- This file contains the build task hooks to trigger frontend npm scripts on sbt command execution.
- New and modified npm scripts of Create React App generated package.json.
- Check UI to see all available frontend build tasks.
├── /ui/
│ ├── package.json
├── /conf/
│ ├── routes
- The following route configuration map index.html to entry route (root). This should be placed as the initial route.
GET / controllers.FrontendController.index()
- All API routes should be prefixed with API prefix defined under
(Default prefixapiPrefix = "api"
Example API route:
GET /api/summary controllers.HomeController.appSummary
- The following route is being used to serve frontend associated build artifacts (css, js) and static assets (images, etc.). This should be placed as the final route.
GET /*file controllers.FrontendController.assetOrDefault(file)
Note: On production build all the front end React build artifacts will be copied to the public
- Simply replace the ui directory with the build of your choice
- Make output directory ROOT/public/
- Implement a proxy to localhost:9000
- Java Play React Seed
- Scala Play Angular Seed
- Java Play Angular Seed
- Scala Play Vuejs Seed by Duncan Nevin
- Java Play Vuejs Seed by Duncan Nevin
Yohan Gomez |
Lahiru Jayamanna |
Gayan Attygalla |
This software is licensed under the MIT license