+++ description = "Markup language and styling" title = "HTML & CSS" draft = false weight = 100 bref="HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices" toc = true script = 'animation' +++
HTML should be used for structure and semantics to order the content and to specify its intended use (e.g. - distinguishing between the main body of an article and the links to other sections)
CSS should be used for presentation, ie. to specify what the content should look like to a human user (e.g. - making the title appear red)
- w3schools
- The best resource for learning everything about HTML and CSS
- HTML Entity Lookup
- HTML Validation Service
- CSS Validation Service
- CSS Selectors
- Reference for combining selectors, pseudo-selectors (first child), pseudo-classes (hovered item)
- CSS Button Generator