- Export wizard for HTML documentation
- Create a Cheat sheet for helping the usage of the plugin
- Ask the ScalaTest experts about ScalaTestBridge
Fix classpath entries, they are absolute path entries at the moment!
Is the examples accessible in any binary build? That way we should'nt need duplicate example code in the tests.
Handle Scope objects:
// we need to extend Scope to be used as an Example body trait system extends Scope { val string = "Hey you" } case class system2() { val string = "Hey you" def e1 = string must have size(7) }
Testing Spec2Finder could be done with
, but probably there will be a better way to do that... hopefully (I'm not sure if I can link AST and Spec2 directly)
- Esp. High Wizardry in the Land of Scala - sounds a great title :-) http://hacking-scala.posterous.com/scalaz-resources-for-beginners
- Unimplemented method declaration for Ctrl + Space
- Companion objects: show apply() signature parameters
- Correct Organize Imports
- No type definition: Without the IDE, source is unreadable
- Everything is changing quickly, builds are volatile and shatter quickly (scala, sbt version-pending builds)
- Mixing 4 build tools (sbt/ivy/mvn/tychoo)
- That
"Fold Stack Trace"
buttion on the View: what should it do? - Error reporting: e.g., "a" must be_==("b") doesn't write the output on the View
Result.scala, line 288: "detailled"
Checked out Scct, http://mtkopone.github.com/scct/ Unfortunately, it's quite Scala-Build tool dependant. E.g., the original repo works with only Sbt 0.10.1:
There's no support for 0.11.x, here's an issue about that:
And it seems that there's no such movement on the project. This issue has been updated by different contributors:
I was able to use dimbleby's fork for the job:
Note This is working only because he shared his personal Maven repo for the required artifacts:
And we needed this specific sbt version: