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Following is troubleshooting information for a number of commonly identified issues with cluster logging deployments:

All Components

Deployment fails, RCs scaled to 0

When a deployment is performed, if it does not successfully bring up an instance before a ten-minute timeout, it will be considered failed and scaled down to zero instances. oc get pods will show a deployer pod with a non-zero exit code, and no deployed pods, e.g.:

NAME                           READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
logging-es-2e7ut0iq-1-deploy   1/1       ExitCode:255       0          1m

(In this example, the deployer pod name for an Elasticsearch deployment is shown; this is from ReplicationController logging-es-2e7ut0iq-1 which is a deployment of DeploymentConfig logging-es-2e7ut0iq.)

Deployment failure can happen for a number of transitory reasons, such as the image pull taking too long, or nodes being unresponsive. Examine the deployer pod logs for possible reasons; but often you can redeploy:

$ oc deploy --latest logging-es-2e7ut0iq

Or you may be able to scale up the existing deployment:

$ oc scale --replicas=1 logging-es-2e7ut0iq-1

If the problem persists, examine pod, events, and systemd unit logs to determine the source of the problem.

Image pull fails

If you specify an openshift_logging_image_prefix that results in images being defined that don't exist, you will receive a corresponding error message:

NAME                     READY     STATUS                                                                                       RESTARTS   AGE
logging-fluentd-1ub9k    0/1       Error: image not found      0          1m

In this example, for the intended image name the openshift_logging_image_prefix needed a trailing /.

Update the inventory file and follow the openshift-ansible instructions to re-run the openshift_logging role.

Can't resolve kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local

This internal alias for the master should be resolvable by the included DNS server on the master. Depending on your platform, you can run the dig command (perhaps in a container) against the master to check whether this is the case:

master$ dig kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local @localhost
;kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. IN A

kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. 30 IN A

Older versions of OKD did not automatically define this internal alias for the master. You may need to upgrade your cluster in order to use aggregated logging. If your cluster is up to date, there may be a problem with your pods reaching the SkyDNS resolver at the master, or it could have been blocked from running. You must resolve this problem before deploying again.

Can't connect to the master or services

If DNS resolution does not return at all or the address cannot be connected to from within a pod (e.g. the fluentd pod), this generally indicates a system firewall/network problem and should be debugged as such.


Elasticsearch deployments never succeed and rollback to previous version

This situation typically manifests itself on OKD clusters deployed on AWS. Describing the Elasticsearch pods typically reveal issues re-attaching the pods storage:

$ oc describe pod $ES_POD

Consider patching each Elasticsearch DeploymentConfig to allow more time for AWS to make the storage available:

oc patch dc $DC -p '{"spec":{"strategy":{"recreateParams": {"timeoutSeconds":1800}}}}'

Searchguard index remains red

This is a known issue related to upgrade and moving to a single SG index per cluster instead of one per DeploymentConfig. The explain API is used to discover the reason and removing the index to node assignment is required:

oc -c elasticsearch exec ${pod} -- es_util --query=".searchguard/_settings" -XPUT -d "{\"index.routing.allocation.include._name\": \"\"}"

Elasticsearch pods never become ready

This is known issue when the initialization and seeding process fails which can be from a red .searchguard index.

for p in $(oc get pods -l component=es -o jsonpath={.items[*]}); do \
  oc exec -c elasticsearch $ES_POD -- touch /opt/app-root/src/init_failures;  \


Fluentd is holding onto deleted journald files that have been rotated

This issue causes /var/log to fill up with file handles of deleted journald files. The only known solution at this time is to periodically cycle Fluentd. An OKD CronJob can be added to perform this function, for example, by checking every 10 minutes the amount of available space to fluentd:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Template
  name: fluentd-reaper
- apiVersion:
  kind: Role
    name: fluentd-reaper
  - apiGroups:
    - ""
    - pods
    - delete
  - apiGroups:
    - ""
    - pods/exec
    - create
- apiVersion:
  kind: RoleBinding
    name: fluentd-reaper
    kind: Role
    name: fluentd-reaper
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: aggregated-logging-fluentd
    namespace: ${LOGGING_NAMESPACE}
- apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
  kind: CronJob
    name: fluentd-reaper
       provider: openshift
       logging-infra: fluentd-reaper
    schedule: "${REAP_SCHEDULE}"
              provider: openshift
              logging-infra: fluentd-reaper
            serviceAccount: aggregated-logging-fluentd
            serviceAccountName: aggregated-logging-fluentd
            - env:
              - name: REAP_THRESHOLD
                value: "${REAP_THRESHOLD}"
              name: cli
              image: ${CLI_IMAGE}
              command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
                - echo "Checking fluentd pods for space issues on /var/log...";
                  pods=$(oc get pods -l component=fluentd -o jsonpath={.items[*]});
                  for p in $pods; do
                    echo "Checking $p...";
                    if ! $(oc get pod $p | grep Running >> /dev/null)  ; then
                      echo "$p as its not in a Running state. Skipping...";
                    space=$(oc exec -c fluentd-elasticsearch $p -- bash -c 'df --output=pcent /var/log | tail -1 | cut -d "%" -f1 | tr -d " "');
                    echo "Capacity $space";
                    if [ $space -gt ${REAP_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE} ] ; then
                      echo "Used capacity exceeds threshold. Deleting $p";
                      oc delete pod $p ;
            restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: CLI_IMAGE
  value: openshift/origin-cli:latest
  description: "The image to use to execute the reaper script"
  value: "75"
  description: "The max capacity to allow for /var/log before restarting fluentd"
  value: "*/30 * * * *"
  description: "The schedule to check for low disk capacity"
  value: openshift-logging
  description: "The schedule to check for low disk capacity"

Create the CronJob by processing and applying the template:

$ oc process -f cron.yml  | oc apply -f -

Note: Modify the rolebinding serviceaccount namespace as needed (e.g. logging instead of openshift-logging)

See the Kubernetes documentation about how to suspend this job if necessary.


Looping login on Kibana

The experience here is that when you visit Kibana, it redirects you to login. Then when you login successfully, you are redirected back to Kibana, which immediately redirects back to login again.

The typical reason for this is that the OAuth2 proxy in front of Kibana is supposed to share a secret with the master's OAuth2 server, in order to identify it as a valid client. This problem likely indicates that the secrets do not match (unfortunately nothing reports this problem in a way that can be exposed). This can happen when you deploy logging more than once (perhaps to fix the initial deployment) and the secret used by Kibana is replaced while the master oauthclient entry to match it is not.

You can do the following:

$ oc delete oauthclient/kibana-proxy

Follow the openshift-ansible instructions to re-run the openshift_logging role. This will replace the oauthclient and your next successful login should not loop.

"error":"invalid_request" on login

When you visit Kibana directly and it redirects you to login, you instead receive an error in the browser like the following:

 {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter,
  includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed."}

The reason for this is a mismatch between the OAuth2 client and server. The return address for the client has to be in a whitelist for the server to securely redirect back after logging in; if there is a mismatch, then this cryptic error message is shown.

As above, this may be caused by an oauthclient entry lingering from a previous deployment, in which case you can replace it:

$ oc delete oauthclient/kibana-proxy

Follow the openshift-ansible instructions to re-run the openshift_logging role. This will replace the oauthclient. Return to the Kibana URL and try again.

If the problem persists, then you may be accessing Kibana at a URL that the oauthclient does not list. This can happen when, for example, you are trying out logging on a vagrant-driven VirtualBox deployment of OKD and accessing the URL at forwarded port 1443 instead of the standard 443 HTTPS port. Whatever the reason, you can adjust the server whitelist by editing its oauthclient:

$ oc edit oauthclient/kibana-proxy

This brings up a YAML representation in your editor, and you can edit the redirect URIs accepted to include the address you are actually using. After you save and exit, this should resolve the error.

Kibana access shows 503 error

If everything is deployed but visiting Kibana results in a proxy error, then one of the following things is likely to be the issue.

First, Kibana might not actually have any pods that are recognized as running. If ElasticSearch is slow in starting up, Kibana may error out trying to reach it, and won't be considered alive. You can check whether the relevant service has any endpoints:

$ oc describe service logging-kibana
Name:                   logging-kibana
Endpoints:              <none>

If any Kibana pods are live, endpoints should be listed. If they are not, check the state of the Kibana pod(s) and deployment.

Second, the named route for accessing the Kibana service may be masked. This tends to happen if you do a trial deployment in one project and then try to deploy in a different project without completely removing the first one. When multiple routes are declared for the same destination, the default router will route to the first created. You can check if the route in question is defined in multiple places with:

$ oc get route  --all-namespaces --selector logging-infra=support
NAMESPACE   NAME         HOST/PORT                 PATH      SERVICE
logging     kibana                  logging-kibana
logging     kibana-ops              logging-kibana-ops

(In this example there are no overlapping routes.)