- RAM (Rewindable) : Contains the console's main RAM
- WRAM (Rewindable) : Work RAM
- CHR (Rewindable) : Sprite memory
- CIRAM (nametables) (Rewindable) : Area of the PPU where the backgrounds are stored
- PRG ROM : Main Program ROM (From .nes file)
- CHR VROM: Main Character data (From .nes file)
- PALRAM: Palette RAM. Changes colors
- OAM (Rewindable) : Object attribute memory (sprite flags and locations)
- System Bus: Main memory bus where everything is mapped on
- RAM (Rewindable) : Contains the console's main RAM
- System Bus : Main memory bus where everything is mapped on
- PPU Bus (Rewindable) : Sprite memory
- CIRAM (nametables) : Area of the PPU where the backgrounds are stored
- OAM (Rewindable) : Object attribute memory (sprite flags and locations)
- Battery RAM : Memory space for saving on cartridge
- PRG ROM : Main Program ROM (From .nes file)
- CHR VROM : Main Character data (From .nes file)
- WRAM : Work RAM