Releases: ramtinak/InstagramApiSharp
Releases · ramtinak/InstagramApiSharp
Stable release v1.3.3.4
- [Update] InstaUserInfo (thx to @RowanFazio for PR)
- [Change] InstaStory.Items to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] StoryQuestionsResponderInfos property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] Countdowns property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] ImportedTakenAt property to InstaStoryItem
- [Add] AnswerToStoryQuestionAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] support for Mentions in InstaStoryUploadOptions
Stable release v1.3.3.3
- [Bugfix] for GetUserFollowersAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetUserFollowingAsync
- [Rename] GetLocationFeedAsync to GetLocationStoriesAsync
- [Rename] InstaHashtagMediaList to InstaSectionMediaList
- [Add] some new properties to PaginationParameters
- [Add] GetTopLocationFeedsAsync to LocationProcessor
- [Add] GetRecentLocationFeedsAsync to LocationProcessor
- [Add] GetAccountDetailsAsync to BusinessProcessor
- [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync pull refresh
Stable release v1.3.3.2
- [Add] InstaStoryFriendshipStatus class
- [Update] GetStoryFeedAsync
- [Update] GetUserStoryAsync
- [Update] GetFullUserInfoAsync
- [Update] GetFriendshipStatusAsync
- [Update] BlockUserAsync/UnBlockUserAsync
- [Update] IgnoreFriendshipRequestAsync
- [Update] HideMyStoryFromUserAsync/UnHideMyStoryFromUserAsync
- [Update] MuteFriendStoryAsync/UnMuteFriendStoryAsync
- [Update] MuteUserMediaAsync/UnMuteUserMediaAsync
- [Update] FollowUserAsync/UnFollowUserAsync
- [Update] InstaStory.FriendshipStatus (support muting)
- [Update] InstaFullUserInfo.UserDetail.FriendshipStatus
- [Update] InstaStoryFeed.Broadcasts
- [Update] InstaStoryFeed.PostLives
- [Update] InstaReelFeed.FriendshipStatus
Stable release v1.3.3.1
- [Add] ShareMediaAsStoryAsync to StoryProcessor
- [Add] HasViewerSaved property to InstaMedia
- [Add] Converters for all live broadcast classes
- [Add] Pagination to GetDiscoverTopLiveAsync
- [Add] LoginWithFacebookAsync to IInstaApi
Stable release v1.3.3.0
- [Bugfix] for followers and followings get functions
- [Bugfix] for SendGetRequestAsync
- [Bugfix] for GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync (thx to @huseyinkarael for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync (thx to @huseyinkarael for report)
- [Bugfix] for GetArchivedMediaAsync pagination
- [Bugfix] for GetUserTagsAsync (thx to @hamidrh for bugfix)
- [Rename] GetLikeFeedAsync to GetLikedFeedAsync
- [Rename] SendLikeAsync to SendDirectLikeAsync
- [Add] GetUserFollowersByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetUserFollowingByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] SaveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] UnSaveMediaAsync to MediaProcessor
- [Add] GetSavedFeedAsync to FeedProcessor
- [Add] support story question in InstaStoryItem
- [Add] GetUserShoppableMediaByIdAsync to ShoppingProcessor
- [Add] GetUserMediaByIdAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] GetBestFriendsSuggestionsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] AddBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Add] DeleteBestFriendsAsync to UserProcessor
- [Update] GetUserTagsAsync pagination
- [Update] GetTagFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserTimelineFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetSavedFeedAsync
- [Update] GetLikedFeedAsync pagination
- [Update] GetRecentHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] GetTopHashtagMediaListAsync pagination
- [Update] ApproveDirectPendingRequestAsync
- [Update] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync pagination
- [Update] GetUserShoppableMediaAsync pagination